Anyone rip the new coubterstrike go
Fuck yes! Havent played that game in years, if only i knew where 1 of my 2 n64s were lol...thats what pot does to ya hahLove me some snowboard kids!
So are there any BF3 players on here ,really don't feel like going through all 20 pages to seeSteam= MOJO origin= (DFAF)MOJO_BF3 LOOKing to put together a clan so hit me up through pm
Been on Guild Wars 2 since early beta and I love it. Never been a mmorpg guy (mainly cs:s, bfbc2, bf2, bf3, unreal, quake) and I will say this game does grab you. Its visually awesome and you dont really feel the need to "grind" due to the quite quick levelling system. I have been playing in eyefinity (6048x1080 resolution) and just wow!