Games take more skill than sports?

smoker toker

Active Member
Ohhh yeah I said it... and I firmly believe it too. This thread I want to be an open, yet very CIVILIZED debate. My opinion: That video games require A LOT more skill than any organized sport on the planet. My reasoning: It takes what? 11 people on the feild for a football team? 5 for a basketball team, 8 for a baseball team.. the most players for a team (that are on the feild at once) is 11 I believe, yes?... mmmk...

World of Warcraft (yes I'm a big fucking nerd, get over it, i'm using this game as an example). Requires more skill, teamwork, organization, stratagy, and leadership than those sports ever will.

First let me explain a (small) bit of WoW for those of you unfamiliar with it. You pick a race on either Alliance or Horde side, 5 races to each side (irrelivant) and depending on what race you choose, you have a grand total of NINE classes to choose from.

Death Night

Now then each class has their own unique set of spells, each class has about 10-20 or so spells. Also, at level 10, each class gets to go down what is called a "Talent Tree" For instance, a mage can choose to go down Fire, Frost, or Arcane, or they can separate their talents into hybrids.

Now then in World of Warcraft, there are certain bosses that you must kill for quests, in which case you must form a "raid", or - a party of 25 people to take down this one toss, and this is where my argument stems.

Now a Warrior can go into the Fury, Protection, or (I believe it's Arms?) talents. Fury, of corse, is designed for the played to do more damage, and Protection is designed for the player to withstand more damage. A preist, which can go into "Light, Shadow, or Balance", goes into Shadow for damage, or Light for healing.

In a raid, it's the Warriors job to take damage, and the Preists job to heal... Now then, there are still 7 other classes, which I could go into pages of detail about, but would rather not :joint: However, if the preist dies, the warrior dies, if the warrior dies, the rest of of the 23 raid memebrs die. Other classes possess different rolls, but it takes the control, organization, stratagy and team work of TWENTY FIVE people, verses 5 to throw a ball in a hoop... 25 people knowing their class, talents, spells, and their roll in the raid to make it happen.

Please.. share thoughts

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:

smoker toker

Active Member
basketball and baseball... tried track once but I can't bring myself to run for fun :-P... haven't played baseball for a while though so mainly basketball.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I play basketball on the corner every once in a while. I use to be hella good when I was younger till the weed gotta hold of me


Well-Known Member
So WoW takes skill?

1- You can get add-ons for quests that show and tell you what to do/go.
2- Hitting "1234567890-=" over and over again takes skill?
3- Congrats you spent 10 hours clicking and gained a level.
4- Spend hours upon hours "raiding" (Which you have to plan your life around).

Want me to keep going?

Sports require cooperation and skill, video games require Doritos, pop and a 350 lbs anti social slob, that has no interest in anything else besides living in his mothers basement and getting to level 128.


Well-Known Member
So WoW takes skill?

1- You can get add-ons for quests that show and tell you what to do/go.
2- Hitting "1234567890-=" over and over again takes skill?
3- Congrats you spent 10 hours clicking and gained a level.
4- Spend hours upon hours "raiding" (Which you have to plan your life around).

Want me to keep going?

Sports require cooperation and skill, video games require Doritos, pop and a 350 lbs anti social slob, that has no interest in anything else besides living in his mothers basement and getting to level 128.
Dude why are you so negative? Every damn thread I see you in you got something negative to say.

smoker toker

Active Member
do add ons take skill? no...
does clicking take skill? no...
does sitting at your computer take skill? no...

How organizing 25 REAL LIFE people.... 7 different class types, each with theiri own sets of spells and talents trees... to do what they need to, exactly when they need to, to avoid getting killed?... yes.. that takes skill... healers, tanks, CC (crowd control).. sap, polymorph, frost trap... all kinds of shit used against mobs, on exact NPC's to prevent your raid from heading into disaster... raids dont just kill NPC's aimlessly their is a method to the madness.

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Well-Known Member
couldnt agree less with this. anyone on the planet could play a video game for 100 hours and be as good as the next guy, sport is a real talent.

smoker toker

Active Member
on the contrary people with level 80's in WoW (the highest you can go)... there are some who suck ass and others who smash down... I'm a level 80 mage.. cloth wearer (as opposed to leather, mail or plate)... and with the 15 spells and other tools I have (also i'm a mix between a fire and arcane mage so I have additional spells as well)..... I am able to beat down some of the most fully Arena decked Death Knights, Disc. Preists, and Paladins out there, when most people would be pissed because of a Paladin's flash heal over and over..... then on the other hand I've had my ass handed to me in 1v1 pvp by a fucking Rouge sneaking, sapping, and tearing me to peices (my damn spells were on CD (cool-down))

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Bullshit, Sports takes far more, when I was training for MMA you would sacrifice your money your time your body......well I guess it is on level with a mmorpg then.....



Well-Known Member
Code = Pre defined stuff.........

There is no way you can go and do something a code wont allow you to do, where as i can do so in my sports... ;)

Exmpl. My golf ball is in the water, in games u usually cant hit the golf ball from the water where as in real life say if the ball was an inch below the surface of the water i would wack it out there.. now in the game you'r allready a stroke behind.

Oh and admitting that your a nerd doesnt realy make you picture friendly in my head... :)

something like this you look like ?

mums like ohhh shit ^^ he's a big boy :D


Oh and wow doesnt require any skill, it just requires you leveling up and getting to know what kind of spells do what.

congrats you know what they do and know how to use em... jesus, wasnt the game made for that ?


grow space

Well-Known Member
Dudes who play wow is fucking retarded fucks who has no life, and no girls!!!:hump:

So this dude says that he plays wow..Good luck bro..that really take some skill..WTF??!!
I skateboard, and i can say that takes some skill!!!Playing games takes skill :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Video games do not take skill, working out and training for hours a day to be able to play a sport good does take skill. If I played wow for 500 hours I bet id be pretty good at it, but itd probably still be shit at soccer.


Well-Known Member
couldnt agree less with this. anyone on the planet could play a video game for 100 hours and be as good as the next guy, sport is a real talent.
i disagree with this completly how can you say this?If for example i took up basketball and played it for ''100 hours''i could be good with the right peers to learn from ec cetera or i could be shit after the 100hours this applies to both video games and any sort of game ,

in short you have to enjoy somthing to get good at it no mater what it is and i dont think video games have any less credibility than organised sport when it comes to team work and or skill grasping the objective and rules of a game or sport is one thing but being skillful at somthing is a different ball game ..

Idk i think sport is more about physical strenght and ability compared to games which are all about strategy, confidence and also controler ability (knowing the buttons and using them sufficently)not saying that strategy and confidence isnt a factor in sport but i think they apply more to games


Well-Known Member
i disagree with this completly how can you say this?If for example i took up basketball and played it for ''100 hours''i could be good with the right peers to learn from ec cetera or i could be shit after the 100hours this applies to both video games and any sort of game ,

in short you have to enjoy somthing to get good at it no mater what it is and i dont think video games have any less credibility than organised sport when it comes to team work and or skill grasping the objective and rules of a game or sport is one thing but being skillful at somthing is a different ball game ..

Idk i think sport is more about physical strenght and ability compared to games which are all about strategy, confidence and also controler ability (knowing the buttons and using them sufficently)not saying that strategy and confidence isnt a factor in sport but i think they apply more to games
My point is - learning a video game can not be put in the same ball park as say being a professional tennis player. There are only certain aspects of the game that need to be learnt. The fact of the matter is a video game is designed for anyone to learn and get good at, you have to have sooooo much more to be a professional sportsman/women - hence u cant just put in a few hundred hours and be playing on center court wimbledon.