Games take more skill than sports?


New Member
Adults playing kids video games is an indication that we are not growing up as a society any longer.

Can you imagine the guys in 1947 being offered to play WOW when they were 40? They would have considered you to be a child.


Well-Known Member
Adults playing kids video games is an indication that we are not growing up as a society any longer.

Can you imagine the guys in 1947 being offered to play WOW when they were 40? They would have considered you to be a child.
If you want to die an old fart go ahead.

I want to be a kid forever. :D


Well-Known Member
While I do agree that Video Gaming takes a great deal of skill to perfect, from personal experience there is no greater skill level than Acrobatics and The Sport of Gymnastics.

There is no greater challenger than the force of gravity.

Gymnastics WINS!


New Member
Well, science disagrees with you. the most difficult thing to do is to hit a major league fastball and get to first base safe.


New Member
Those who can't vid games.

I'd much rather throw a football around outside with my nephews than play Madden inside on the couch.


Well-Known Member
dude, it's like comparing apples and fish.
sure you can make the comparison, but to what end?
i personally disagree that it takes more skill to play
WoW than it does to catch a football.
or play tennis.
or basketball.
simply because of the fact that in sports your brain is making
distinctions of unimaginable nuance and making calculations
in order to perform a huge list of tasks.
maintaining balance.
visually estimating distance, speed and trajectory.
keeping track of other players.
remembering lessons learned from past mistakes.
comparing possible outcomes of scenarios on a millisecond by millisecond basis.
responding at the same speed to unforeseen events.
controlling literally billions of voluntary muscle cells in concert with precision.
video games take skill. i will not deny that.
but real sports require so much more of you.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Ive played organized sports ( Football, baseball, soccer, wrestling, and boxing) I played football alone for 18 years up to Semi Pro; also gamed when I was younger. I dont really game much anymore (maybe about 1/2 hour a week, but thats w/ my kids).
The main difference to me is in the consequences. Screw up in a game, you just reboot or respawn and all is well again.
Screw up on a football field or in a boxing ring and there are REAL and usually painful consequences.

Being a noob in a video game the worst you have to deal w/ is ribbing and looking like an ass.
Put it this way (not a threat in any way shape or form):
I'll play WOW against some pimple faced kid and look like a clown. Throw some pads on him and line him up 6 inches from my face in a 3 point stance and I guarantee he doesnt walk off the field .
Like I said its about consequences.


Well-Known Member
CrackerJax, do you think baseball is a sport ?

Then why isnt golf ?


You only throw a ball run around a circle, have to catch a ball.. throw it back...

hmmm.... seems less of a sport than golf to me..... realy does.... :)

Ohh and throwing a ball isnt hard if your a real man...... :) And batting the ball aint hard either, i bet you i could easily be better at baseball than golf... in no time.





Well-Known Member
My five year old nephew is awesome at video games and can beat me from time to time but in real sports he is five and has no chance.I bet you could beat Brock Lesner at the UFC game too but if you step into the ring he will hand your ass to you.Thinking video games are harder then real exercise,strength conditioning and on and on is simply stupid.How easy is it to bump into someone good at world or war carft?Easy!How often to you bump into nfl,nba,mlb,ufc or prize fighters?Not often and I remember every time I have.


New Member
Video games are all about moving fingers and hands quickly linked to eye visualization.

So, the one "sport" that gamers can actually lay claim to be superior at is...... masturbation.

Coincidentally, the more you stay down in ur mom's basement alone playing, ur odds of having that opportunity of "cross training" increases dramatically.


Well-Known Member
of all the video game genres to compare to sports too why is it the most stupidest waste of time category MMoRPG. thers no balance in a game like wow, when you can just simply purchase acounts, high lvl weapons, ect. No one can just pick these games up and think they have a chance to beat someone whos invested probably years of thier life to get where they are in the game not realy cuz of skill but just out of repetition.

Now fighting games on the other hand, take practice execution & skill, and even when you learn all your characters moves you have to learn tricks tactics and gimmicks, mind games to beat your (Human) opponent. and all the practice and stuff you've learned from playing other people stays with you, ther is no accout to log into or worry about getting hacked. the skill is in the hands of the player not who has better amor.

tho comparing videogames to physicaly demanding sports like basketball football baseball ect. isn't realy the samething, although if you took the physical aspect away from these sports and just compared only the game itself (not statistics or anything) then yea sports are rather lame.

But if people are willing to watch a fuking spelling bee on espn and consider THAT a sport, then I think competitive gaming deserves some of the spotlight too.


Well-Known Member
CrackerJax, do you think baseball is a sport ?

Then why isnt golf ?


You only throw a ball run around a circle, have to catch a ball.. throw it back...

hmmm.... seems less of a sport than golf to me..... realy does.... :)

Ohh and throwing a ball isnt hard if your a real man...... :) And batting the ball aint hard either, i bet you i could easily be better at baseball than golf... in no time.



lol, your joking right? hopefully i missed something, catching, pitching, batting take more skill than any other sport, sorry, do you know how much hand eye coordination is evolved in hitting or catching a ball at over 90mph? Just imagine all that hand eye coordination that goes into video games, now apply that to your entire body.


Well-Known Member
Video games are all about moving fingers and hands quickly linked to eye visualization.

So, the one "sport" that gamers can actually lay claim to be superior at is...... masturbation.

Coincidentally, the more you stay down in ur mom's basement alone playing, ur odds of having that opportunity of "cross training" increases dramatically.
Ha Ha I shat myself thanks for that!


Well-Known Member
I was a catcher up untill I finished highschool and its fuckin hard i made city allstars twice and iv never worked so hard to get that .Hitting is super hard to...O yea watch my 49ers play today and tell me WOW takes more skilll..what a joke


No boss in WoW has an AI that can react like a human. Maybe in PvP but the boss's do the same thing every phase. Trying to make a play in sports againts humans that react is much more difficult than learning and fight and doi g the same thing every time.