ganga girls northern grow

I would rather it be legal than getting locked in a cage for a plant, have we forgotten this? You say what you like but this whole fight was never about money it was about freedom from persecution by the government through unfair laws treating potsmokers and dealers like crackheads and pushers and locking us in a fucking cage, there are still people in America that are getting locked up every day over weed, this is just the start and the market will find it's own level wherever that may be and the cream will rise to the top. There are boutique organic farmers in California getting 200 to 350 per oz right now depending, thats the only way to compete is with superior handcrafted artisan product and everyone else will fall to the big guys, its capitalism.
I would rather it be legal than getting locked in a cage for a plant, have we forgotten this? You say what you like but this whole fight was never about money it was about freedom from persecution by the government through unfair laws treating potsmokers and dealers like crackheads and pushers and locking us in a fucking cage, there are still people in America that are getting locked up every day over weed, this is just the start and the market will find it's own level wherever that may be and the cream will rise to the top. There are boutique organic farmers in California getting 200 to 350 per oz right now depending, thats the only way to compete is with superior handcrafted artisan product and everyone else will fall to the big guys, its capitalism.
"The war on drugs is a war on personal freedom keep that in mind at all times..."
I would rather it be legal than getting locked in a cage for a plant, have we forgotten this? You say what you like but this whole fight was never about money it was about freedom from persecution by the government through unfair laws treating potsmokers and dealers like crackheads and pushers and locking us in a fucking cage, there are still people in America that are getting locked up every day over weed, this is just the start and the market will find it's own level wherever that may be and the cream will rise to the top. There are boutique organic farmers in California getting 200 to 350 per oz right now depending, thats the only way to compete is with superior handcrafted artisan product and everyone else will fall to the big guys, its capitalism.
I don't sell anything, I give away to family and very close friends and mainly just grow for myself so I don't have to worry about where my shit comes form or what or who I am supporting, and also I am old and don't know people to get it from lol ... so yeah legal would be GREAT then I could just grow a shit ton outside in a green house in the summer and not worry about the fly overs or anything.
I would rather it be legal than getting locked in a cage for a plant, have we forgotten this? You say what you like but this whole fight was never about money it was about freedom from persecution by the government through unfair laws treating potsmokers and dealers like crackheads and pushers and locking us in a fucking cage, there are still people in America that are getting locked up every day over weed, this is just the start and the market will find it's own level wherever that may be and the cream will rise to the top. There are boutique organic farmers in California getting 200 to 350 per oz right now depending, thats the only way to compete is with superior handcrafted artisan product and everyone else will fall to the big guys, its capitalism.
I got busted before. Trust me, I know. Cops did a whole undercover thing on me and a buddy for a few pounds. The further north you go in WI, the harder the cops crack down. I see where you’re coming from. I just have a different opinion. Yeah, I know it sounds selfish, but no disrespect.
[I would rather it be legal than getting locked in a cage for a plant, have we forgotten this?

I totally am down with that. Perhaps, you’ve shown me to be more humble because jail does suck, even if I only did 2 days.
Believe it or not I'm not done yet so idk. There is still 1 more plant that still has to be bagged and tagged.

But as of right now I know I hit my mark and then some. One plant produced 7.3 of usable bud.
I’m curious, which one did you get 7.3 on? Another quick question. Out of all of those, which one do you find the most pest resistant, mold resistant? I’m a northern grower as well
I would rather it be legal than getting locked in a cage for a plant, have we forgotten this? You say what you like but this whole fight was never about money it was about freedom from persecution by the government through unfair laws treating potsmokers and dealers like crackheads and pushers and locking us in a fucking cage, there are still people in America that are getting locked up every day over weed, this is just the start and the market will find it's own level wherever that may be and the cream will rise to the top. There are boutique organic farmers in California getting 200 to 350 per oz right now depending, thats the only way to compete is with superior handcrafted artisan product and everyone else will fall to the big guys, its capitalism.
YOUR rite here in ky, they treat us pot growers like we are some kind of big would you like being called the corn bread mafia as lots of us was called by the dea for no dam reason but to make the feds look and fell big been given prison time and its no fun being locked up over a fucking plant but I will grow till the day I die.yes it takes balls to grow if you knew me you probley would say iam crazy for growing weed,pot will be state legal in longer then 2 years marke that down.NO POT IS LEGAL TO GROW IN THE USA just ask any federal law officer.unteal its federaly legal the feds can come in and take every thing that you have worked your ass off to get all your life and give you life for growing a fucking plant.stay safe and under ground till its federal legal or your playing WITH YOUR LIFE BEHIND BARS.I got a friend that's locked up for growing in ky, and if the federal law don't chang he will die in prison over a fucking plant.happy growing
I got busted before. Trust me, I know. Cops did a whole undercover thing on me and a buddy for a few pounds. The further north you go in WI, the harder the cops crack down. I see where you’re coming from. I just have a different opinion. Yeah, I know it sounds selfish, but no disrespect.
read the book called THE CORN BREAD MAFIA then you can see what pot growing is realey like in a hard ass state like ky, is.happy growing
the stores told in that book ARE 100 PERCENT TRUE FACTS the other book that out beside that one has some bs in it that's not true,
read the book called THE CORN BREAD MAFIA then you can see what pot growing is realey like in a hard ass state like ky, is.happy growing
I was talking about how harsh the sentences are strictly for Wisconsin. Yes, I know about the biggest marijuana production. The unsolved murders. Dirty cops, the whole nine yards. But thank you. I’ll check it out
I would rather it be legal than getting locked in a cage for a plant, have we forgotten this? You say what you like but this whole fight was never about money it was about freedom from persecution by the government through unfair laws treating potsmokers and dealers like crackheads and pushers and locking us in a fucking cage, there are still people in America that are getting locked up every day over weed, this is just the start and the market will find it's own level wherever that may be and the cream will rise to the top. There are boutique organic farmers in California getting 200 to 350 per oz right now depending, thats the only way to compete is with superior handcrafted artisan product and everyone else will fall to the big guys, its capitalism.
Where I'm at there has been a lessening of growers arrested the last few years. They still chop patches when they find them, but if my experience is an example, they don't try to find the grower like they used to. But there is always the chance you might piss someone off. Or you might just get unlucky and some neighbor find you patch and put up a camera.

As far as the money side of it, I've been saying for a couple three years now that the green rush is just like the gold rush. The real money made in the gold fields was selling picks, shovels, whiskey, etc. Want to make money on weed? Sell ferts, soil, pots, trimmers, etc, etc.

With each year bringing record low numbers of acres of tobacco planted, Big Tobacco is going to be all over legal weed. Twenty years after weed is legal, it will be priced about the same as tobacco. Last year that was about $2.15 a pound.
Where I'm at there has been a lessening of growers arrested the last few years. They still chop patches when they find them, but if my experience is an example, they don't try to find the grower like they used to. But there is always the chance you might piss someone off. Or you might just get unlucky and some neighbor find you patch and put up a camera.

As far as the money side of it, I've been saying for a couple three years now that the green rush is just like the gold rush. The real money made in the gold fields was selling picks, shovels, whiskey, etc. Want to make money on weed? Sell ferts, soil, pots, trimmers, etc, etc.

With each year bringing record low numbers of acres of tobacco planted, Big Tobacco is going to be all over legal weed. Twenty years after weed is legal, it will be priced about the same as tobacco. Last year that was about $2.15 a pound.

I also think (no matter what some people say) that there will always be a market for "craft weed" just like beer... of course you can go get a fucking 30 pack of old Milwaukees best for like 10 bucks... if you just want to get fucked up... but my money is ALWAYS on the product that is brewed (in this case grown) with that extra care. That trend will definitely continue with cannibas in the future. You are also 100% correct... sell the pick ax if you wanna make money don't mine the gold lol
I would rather it be legal than getting locked in a cage for a plant, have we forgotten this? You say what you like but this whole fight was never about money it was about freedom from persecution by the government through unfair laws treating potsmokers and dealers like crackheads and pushers and locking us in a fucking cage, there are still people in America that are getting locked up every day over weed, this is just the start and the market will find it's own level wherever that may be and the cream will rise to the top. There are boutique organic farmers in California getting 200 to 350 per oz right now depending, thats the only way to compete is with superior handcrafted artisan product and everyone else will fall to the big guys, its capitalism.
I'm with you on not getting locked up anymore. Getting locked up for 6 beans and left over crumbs from rolling a J ain't the sheet.

Rec flower Zippers are 99$ oz with tax or less all day here in a shop.
The market has changed and you have to adapt to that, craft breweries dont compete with Budweiser they create a better product that appeals to a higher end demographic same applies to cannabis you either create a exceptional product that people pay top dollar for or you get swallowed up by the whales. The big guys cant compete with time and care they are on schedules and production quotas its grow it dry it quick cure pack it in nitrogen bags and out to market, high quality will crush it everytime.
"The war on drugs is a war on personal freedom keep that in mind at all times..."
You are 100 percent it's ok for a doctor to wrote a script for dirty meds that turn you into a pharma junky because of the big pharma lobby just look at all the "pain management centers" it's ok destroy yourself with alcohol and smoke as many cigarettes you like until you die, but let's keep cannabis as a schedule 1 narcotic that's highly addictive with no medicinal benefits right next to meth cocaine and above heroin and opioids Yes opioids are schedule 2 with some medicinal benefits.
Its disgusting that we have been persecuted for so long over a drug that is less harmful than acetaminophen and far less harmful than the big 5 alcohol tobacco opioids cocaine methamphetamine. Once the government realises the tax revenue will be greater than than the payoffs from those big lobbyists things will change. Genies out of the bottle in 10 years it will be a different world. But until then your personal freedoms are under attack if you are in a non legal state, country.