Ganja Geeks 6 Strain 2000Watt Perpetual Grow

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Yesterday I watered each plant with about 1 and a 1/2 gallons. I also found one spider mite on the fucking Blue Widow again.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Yesterday marked 4 weeks of flowering. I took a bunch of pics I'll upload tonight. Shit looks dank.... same smell and look as the outdoor but twice the resin at this stage. It looks bomb I love cloning!

[QUOTE="SICC";4800336]Damn fucking mites, Hope they dont do too much damage[/QUOTE]

Me too man! I'll be super pissed if they mess with my cronic. I think I'll go through and vacum every one of thouse little bastareds off!....Lol

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Fed indoor and pulled some leaves off the thicker plants. I'll have pics up soon. There's alot of them. I also couldn't find one mite today... Sweet.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
I've been so busy lately I haven't been able to pay much attention to the clone closet. My RD clone looked sickly so I took her out and found a whole lot of spider mites. Bummer! I sprayed them all down real good and put them back.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
I've been slacking on this but I finally switched the a/c out for ducting. I'm using my exhaust fan to pull in cool air from out side. I have it hooked up so that when it gets to hot inside the room it will kick on creating a vacum forcing air inside the room via the 6" ducting. I aslo took the glass off the lights hood because I don't know if it will get to hot inside and damaged the bulb.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Here's a couple pics of the canopy. Sorry it's taken to long to get pics but I'm super busy. I have 20 somethin bud shots but no time to upload them. I'm just gonna wait two more days and I'll take some 5 week pics. Just not as many this time lol.

Right side of the room, then the left.

Ahh screw it! Here some of what they looked like 5 days ago the first is Blue Hash with my friend Dirty D (6'3") standing next to her.


Super Lemon Haze

Red Dragon

Bubba Kush

Blue Widow

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Yesterday I started to flush the plants. So far I was only able to do the BW, BK, and SLH. Just that took a good 3 to 4 hours. They each got six gallons of water ran through them. I added Bud Candy to the final two gallons of each plant. I also added stakes and string to the BW for support. While doing so I spoted Spider Mites all over her and a bit of Powdery Mildew around the garden. Shit! I vacumed the BW plant real good afterwards. Does anyone now of a Spider Mite remedy I can use during flowering? I heard releasing lady bugs will kill the mites but then you have to pick them out when you trim. Which is no real problem...hmmm

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Today marks 5 weeks of 12/12 and they look good but have bugs and mildew....Shit! I finished flushing the rest of the plants today. The BW didn't take the vacuming very well, she's all limped over (Lol) but it does seem it got alot of mites. I ordered 1500 ladybugs online today. They ran me 21 buckes. I'll release them in hords of 500 every week until the end of flowering. After that my outdoor should be dry. I'll sterilize both rooms and start from fresh clones and seeds. I might have spotted some male flowers forming on the tops of the RD but I'm not sure. I took pics of all but the RD, will do her tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Not yet haha, I hope I never do tho. Damn bugs, i try and keep everything as clean as possible, I'm basically my plants bitch :razz:


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah it's a good thing tho, after all the hard work they repay you with top quality meds :weed:

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Today I had to reorder my ladybugs from a diff company. They said they'd be here tomorrow. I fed the plants and while doing so found either male flower or seeds forming on my RD, which is probably to close to the 1000watt. I lowered it and plucked off all but to or three of the growths. Left thouse just to see what's going on. I took five week pics but again have no time to post em so I'll shoot for 6 weeks tomorrow.
[QUOTE="SICC";4849655]Haha yeah it's a good thing tho, after all the hard work they repay you with top quality meds :weed:[/QUOTE]
I hear ya there brother, lovin the indoor!

Ganja Geek

Active Member
I sprayed the infested clones again. I found a little green bug in the closet that has ate it's way through some branches that have limped over. I cut them off since they would of died anyway. These poor neglected plants look like shit. I'm thinking of taking clones from the best ones and starting over with clean rooms. Little cuts are easyer to keep bug free then these girls. I'm going to cut the RD, BK, and BW from the line up, judging on the outdoor bud and overall growth. This leaves Super Lemon Haze, AK-47, and Blue Hash as my keepers. Now I've got a gang of seeds to decide on next.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Today I released my army of ladybugs against the evil spider mites. I dropped about 500 into a bag and sprayed them with a 50/50 mix of soda and water. I guess spraying them down glues their wings shut so they can't fly out the ventilation. Looks like it worked only a couple started flying around.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Yesterday marks 6 weeks of 12/12. They look like Bud Candy. Lol looks like that shits worth the money. They have twice the resin as last week. I just released my Ladybugs so hopfuly they can keep the mite population down until harvest. Every thing looks tits. Couldn't get very good pics because I didn't want to disturb my ladybugs so I just stood in the middle of the garden and snaped a few while the light powered back up. Uploading them now...