GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

I just flew Wales n Back! Fun Times Fun Times! Many a Happy Hippy over there!
But wet - so wet!
Why so wet¿? I can't stand such wetness... its too much!
I like dry!
Nice and dry!
Sun and Shine and Dry !
S'weird innit... one minute you're alive and trotting along fetching the wood... the next minute you're dead... burnt to ashes... and sitting on the mantlepiece in a jar.... next to sum flowers...............

Life just doesn't stop giving does it??????????
What to do when your boyfriend comes back 3 days later with a backup mate to bully you out of 50 bucks?
what to do................. what to do................... what to do.................
what do you do?
what the fuck do you do............

:( sad sad very sad fucking SAD miss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanxxxxxxxxxxx guys!!!! but I have the love issue to contend with ......... I believe in him as a person and can't discount him immediately for being a giant buthole coz sometimes everyone is a giant buthole...... sometimes life is just a giant buthole.... but sometimes U need to reach the "bottom" of the buthole to get some leverage to fling yourself back out of the giant buthole.................. sooooooooooo my conclusion to this:
I am going to be happy no matter what!
No matter how many giant butholes may lay in my path!

thanxxxxxxxxxxx guys!!!! but I have the love issue to contend with ......... I believe in him as a person and can't discount him immediately for being a giant buthole coz sometimes everyone is a giant buthole...... sometimes life is just a giant buthole.... but sometimes U need to reach the "bottom" of the buthole to get some leverage to fling yourself back out of the giant buthole.................. sooooooooooo my conclusion to this:
I am going to be happy no matter what!
No matter how many giant butholes may lay in my path!


i would start by drugging his food . then his water . then tell him about it .... just kava kava in everything.
...... working on my Sedum Green Roof........... sooooooooooo.... shall I chuck potting soil with some clay ballz mixed with some sand on the roof........ or shall I be cheap ass and chuck normal garden dirt up there... and there have a roof covered with random weedyplants................. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
........ decisions decisions
I know nothing about green roofs........ guess I'm about to find out all about it.......................................

...... working on my Sedum Green Roof........... sooooooooooo.... shall I chuck potting soil with some clay ballz mixed with some sand on the roof........ or shall I be cheap ass and chuck normal garden dirt up there... and there have a roof covered with random weedyplants................. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
........ decisions decisions
I know nothing about green roofs........ guess I'm about to find out all about it.......................................

a few of the blocks in my place have green roofs. They look nice and brown in summer lol, and there are always people up there pulling out random weeds 24/7. We covered our apartment block roof in solar panels.
Good luck.
a few of the blocks in my place have green roofs. They look nice and brown in summer lol, and there are always people up there pulling out random weeds 24/7. We covered our apartment block roof in solar panels.
Good luck.
Well thanxxxxxxxxxx 4 that DST! LOL I dont wanna pull out weeds
I really dont wanna
dont have enufff solar panels to cover it .......
I'll buy the soil and not use my own... SO at least the sedums have a chance before weed seeds get blown in....... or birdpooped in or wotever..................
Busy sanding the wooden platform - readying for varnish..... and then tongue n grooveyness! then voila! a platform bed like I've always wanted...... OH next question
WOT about Stairs UP to THE Platform bed?
ANY groovey suggestions FOR Ultimate Uber Awesumness Stairs !!!!!!!!??????????????

Always doing something you. your project sounds awesome first your building a roof now a bed lol what's next ? And how did the autos turn out dunno if you bothered planting them :peace:
I love those types of stairs that are just individual sections for each step. Very minimalist looking. I guess you would need a pretty heavy support wall for that type of stair.
@MR-GREEN666 - did plant the Magnums and the Devils ...... not too bad for autos.... but I really didn't feed them "much" so they didn't do anything -much.! LOL

@DST stairs on the brain .... now I have it!!!!!!! I have decided simple and easy I'm gunna go with a plank either side and fat planks n brackets for the steps.......

........ s'gunna be amazing!!!

- Okay next is: TILES
I love WOOD imitation tiles
BUT I am stuck between THREE totally different STYLES
1) The DARK "OAK" (with lots of knots)
or 2) the Lighter Fake Wood WORN and TORN "shabby chic" orwoteveryawannacallitttttttttt
3) AWESOME Light WORN LIGHTISH BLUE PLANK (like beach ...seaside effect)

uffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Help?

Finally!!!!!! I have bought Clay Paint!!!!!! Yes Yes YES! Exciting Times R Here!

I got the Aran Snow and the Olite Castle
will mix to get a slightly Off'er White!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Can't wait to finish Lime Render......... & then PAINTTTTTTTTTTTTT

@MR-GREEN666 - did plant the Magnums and the Devils ...... not too bad for autos.... but I really didn't feed them "much" so they didn't do anything -much.! LOL

@DST stairs on the brain .... now I have it!!!!!!! I have decided simple and easy I'm gunna go with a plank either side and fat planks n brackets for the steps.......

........ s'gunna be amazing!!!

- Okay next is: TILES
I love WOOD imitation tiles
BUT I am stuck between THREE totally different STYLES
1) The DARK "OAK" (with lots of knots)
or 2) the Lighter Fake Wood WORN and TORN "shabby chic" orwoteveryawannacallitttttttttt
3) AWESOME Light WORN LIGHTISH BLUE PLANK (like beach ...seaside effect)

uffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Help?

Nice. Clean and fresh!!!

Here's a couple I found interesting and beautiful.


Peace DST