GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx×

Trimming "Atomika" from Atomik Seeds... it was a freebie seed... a Jack Herer X Northern Lights...and it grew into a MONSTER- smells like fruity chewing gum... its densely puffy and has a coating of white snowyness...
BRB with the results.......................................................
Back with Results! ATOMIKA = 907grams *Total is up to 7,559grams* so far....
Trimming "Widow" now
Tip: for all trimmers ... if you are very sticky... pour oil and sugar over your hands and scrub and scrub and rinse (now you're clean and silky) ! You can even do this Before* you get sticky so you'll get much less sticky! ;)
Thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxx guyz! Only got 2 plants to chop down... two "Black Jacks" they'll come down tonite! And then I am done chopping! Then dry dry dry! Sell Sell Sell! And finally get back to my project of building my very own strawbale home
"White Widow" 425grams!
Now for the next Widow ... and then the runty tinsy tiny Widow....
then the Sweet Tooth x Widow
then the Black Jack
then Im done!
and ON VACATION! ;) ;)

(ps: shit forgot the Jack Herer)
(but after that THEN Im done)
Still trimming Widow Widow Widow...........
............ xxxmissxxx
Trimming Sweet Tooth x White Widow............................................................................................
Thanxxxxxxxx @Don Geno !!!
... still haven't finished trimming her... getting lazy... and I've got a CriK in ma back from leaning down over the trim bucket LOL .... owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Lie flat on your stomach. Hands in front of you and push yourself up off the ground...kind of like doing a sit up. But you must keep your pelvis firmly on the ground. Repeat 10 times 3 X per day. Your spine will thank you for it.
Thanxxxxxxxx @Don Geno !!!
... still haven't finished trimming her... getting lazy... and I've got a CriK in ma back from leaning down over the trim bucket LOL .... owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
growing is a battlefield ha ha ha well once you get her all cured there may be no more pain sister keep on being you awesome that is !!:P
Any1 tried out INversion tables!?????? I was thinking of getting one! I love to be upside down... becoz I'm short enuff as it is and I can feel Gravity making me shorter still.. so if Im all upside down then I'll stretch back out the right way, right?
