Garbage bag over plant before harvest?

So im coming towards an end on my first ever grow (geurilla grow ) started with 7 ended with 1 :(. but anyways i have heard its beneficial to cover your plant with a black garbage bag 2 days before harvest because the number of trichomes increases as it thinks its life is coming to an end. will this help me ? and also will i need to take the bag off once a day or anything to remove any moisture inside of it or will it be ok?:leaf:
This belongs in the Bro Science thread ffs big time.
This is absolutely false... I just noticed this was posted in 2012 so I’m sure you know this to be true by now, but 36-48 hours darkness and no water is the way to finish her up. The darkness def makes the triches pop and no water will help the dry, it won’t take forever because it’s filled with water (if you flushed properly), and it will still go nice and slow so they don’t dry out too fast and trap the chlorophyll inside your buds which also traps the dank ass smell ur looking for and your buds will smell like hay and it will not go away if you really dried it out too much.. nothing worse than to finish a killer harvest and then mess it up during the cure.
You do realize it’s not darkness that make trichromes right. They’re basically sunscreen for plants so darkness is totally and utterly pointless. Flushing is terrible bro science that holds zero weight to actual science. I think the only thing you’ve gotten right is is drying nice and slow like 14 days.
The moisture that builds up when you put a bag over a plant will prevent bud rot. High humidity and moisture is exactly what you want late in flower. It would probably be beneficial to spray the plants with some form of liquid prior to covering them with a bag.