Garden Greens - 1st LST


Active Member
Hi Everyone and thank you for everything learned here - great resource and community.

This my third grow (not counting one indoor attempt disaster), but things are a lot different this year, in a good way. My previous attempts have been late/small/not enough sun, but still I learned and it was fun.

I do the old covert yet out in the open grow, no small feat for a suburban yard with no fencing. I grow in the veg garden and ensure cover. This year I obtained 2 clones from a friend - they might be AK47 and Kali but not sure. I also planted 2 from bag seed, one of which turned out to be a female! :mrgreen: Feed schedule was simply Miracle Gro during veg, FF Big Bloom in flower. 1 application of 2 Tbs molasses/gal water. I also applied Neem Oil twice during veg and hit ‘em just once with TB in early flower (after finding a cat and having lots of issues with ‘em last year) and have had no bug problems. So far one small mold spot due to rain - cut it off, not an issue.

When they got to be 4-5 feet tall nearing August I started getting nervous. The clones were also very bushy. So I read up on LST and decided to start tying them down. They were a bit large but took to it well. Then as we moved through August, they began to completely take over my garden! I would imagine these ladies would be 8-10 feet tall standing straight. The more I tied the more they grew. I am amazed at this grow. They are so big they are growing into each other and you can't even see through 'em. :blsmoke: (pic 1 - but this doesn't do it justice even with a wide angle lens)

Nearing harvest now, but all three strains are in different stages of flower - the bagseed being the farthest along (pic 2), cloudy trichs, almost ready now. One clone is coming along nicely (pic 3), one continues to be a dog, taking its sweet time. I would say it has 3 more weeks maybe, but the weather is turning now and I don't think I have even 2 weeks. Cover vegetation is dying off, expecting frosts next week, which I realize they can survive but have read it will dramatically slow down production (?). If this is the case I'm considering doing at least a partial harvest. I'm going to have to do this in stages anyway. I want to go as long as possible, but I have other issues, like people gathering here on Halloween, so for many reasons my time grows short.

Any and all opinions or advice would be appreciated, particularly around type and strain guesses. Could the clones be sativas? The leaves are skinnier and paler than the bagseed, which is a sure indica. Any rough guesses on yield?



Well-Known Member
nice looking plants . i grow in my yard too ,but dont have the stones ot grow a patch. +rep for the practical application of lst method of growing.


Active Member
Heh - nor did I, this was not previous experience. I had no idea they would grow so large. It's worth noting that nothing is higher than 3.5' however.