Garden Knowm is a complete NEWB


Well-Known Member
FDD can you do me a favor and go to the Bubba Kush thread and tell this dude the medical despinsaries sell the real clone-only (unless you self them) Bubba Kush clones. He's been telling me I'm wrong in every thread I post on and I can't talk to this dude anymore:-?

Laughing my ass off here. I told you to get off FDD's leg! I am right about the clone thing man. Just ignore me. Then every time I call you out for stupid comments, you won't have to read it. Just because someone calls a strain something dosent mean it is the same shit.


Well-Known Member
well gk you fuckin newb guess im gonna have to tech ya something! this thread is silly did the starter even come back?

who cares anyhow


Well-Known Member
ok now if you two dont stop im gonna put you in time out :) sorry its the mommy in my

fdd go tell him im right.................. this is funny shit


Well-Known Member
Laughing my ass off here. I told you to get off FDD's leg! I am right about the clone thing man. Just ignore me. Then every time I call you out for stupid comments, you won't have to read it. Just because someone calls a strain something dosent mean it is the same shit.
Dude STFU and go to the thread and read what I said. You can get Bubba Kush at MMJ dispensaries. Now, maybe it isn't always what they say it is. But, I'm right...And why do you keep bringing FDD up? I barely even talk to the dude. I was just asking him b/c he's the MMJ expert on this forum.


Well-Known Member
well im the mommy here:) so i was just pickin on ya, i think you both could be right.

i love everyone here this is a fun place and lots of great learning to be done, now run along and play so mommy can smoke a fatty :)


Well-Known Member
LoL I guess that is pretty funny. Ok now I officialy don't give a shit anymore and am done.
There ya go. That's the attitude. Now remember this when you jump on others when you disagree with them. And stop calling people faggots and stuff when you disagree with them. It just makes people think you are much younger than you may actually be.You aren't such a bad guy when you aren't in search and destroy mode.



Well-Known Member
There ya go. That's the attitude. Now remember this when you jump on others when you disagree with them. And stop calling people faggots and stuff when you disagree with them. It just makes people think you are much younger than you may actually be.You aren't such a bad guy when you aren't in search and destroy mode.

Come on dude, that was in the political forum. That's no holds barred in there:twisted: But, peace is always good. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Oh and I would just like to apologize for getting off the topic of this thread....Let's get back on track. Garden Knowm is a complete newb.


Well-Known Member
yea right,,,,, this thread has been derailed since that,,,, how shall I say,,,, BAG OF DICKS,,, that needs to be sucked,,,,, Incident ,,,,,,,,,LMAO..:peace:...