Garden Store Asked For Postal Code?

how come they'd do this? i was buying a few misc items. i felt a little odd being in there as it was mostly old ladies shopping for plants. i tried to act normal but in the back of my mind i couldnt help but think i stuck out a little in there.

on the one hand the rational side of my mind says relax dude, they probably just ask this for all their customers. on the other hand im always a bit paranoid.

the question caught me by surprise. i gave them a postal code of my parents where i havent lived in a while, to be honest i never remember my own actual postal code. and i know my dad shops there sometimes for evergreens and shrubs for his garden, but now im like kicking myself..why did i do that? ahh

anyways do i have reason to be worried? i grabbed some cloning gel and a few small pots w/ domes. i shouldnt worry, but i always find myself worrying.


Well-Known Member
what did you pay with? Tell me about sticking out, i went once with my tude' shirt, 'highlife' 420! and i was buying all sorts of things, perlite, compost, potting mix, verm, bat poop, worm castings, you name it, i was getting... They asked, " what are you growing?' i replied with a stutter and pause, cause i was fucking medicated to the max, and said, " to, tom, tomatoes and some shrubs my mom is growing out in the yard...

they looked at me funny, but i dont give a shit... posting on this site is all you need to be paranoid!


Well-Known Member
Most all stores ask at one time or another. Its too help them target certain areas with mailers or advertisment of another sort.
But that is what it is about = advertisement & mailing lists


Well-Known Member
I get asked this at nearly every store I go to when shopping for anything. I'm an asshole and I ask them why they need that information. I've been given two responses. One is when paying with a debit or credit card they ask for the zip code to help avoid fraudulent purchases. Two they ask for the zip code because they are trying to gather data about who is shopping in their store. I really think you have nothing to worry about. Besides.. you can always lie.


Well-Known Member
kmart does it for every non cash transaction. They even want to know your email address now. I pay with cash.


Well-Known Member
kmart does it for every non cash transaction. They even want to know your email address now. I pay with cash.
Exactly.. its all about getting as much information into their database about you as possible. They aren't likely to call the police because you bought some ferts and shit.. but keep in mind that information is available if they are every given a court order demanding it. Just pay cash.. and your zip code is 12345. They may look at you funny but who cares. They are underpaid and likely don't give a shit.


Well-Known Member
relax dude , a lot of stores are asking this nowadays. It's just so they can track where their customer base is at. Just statistics.


Active Member
stores do that all the time. your being too paranoid. i think they keep track of them all so they can compare what area codes they get the most business from. probably has to do with where they advertise and such. your safe man!

otherwise if your in a medical state and have a card, who cares they cant do shit. if not, have a trusted friend that doesnt grow buy it for you.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry. Just customer demographics. It's for mailers. You could go to any auto parts store and buy anti freeze for a "stray cat problem" and they won't give a shit. Your fine.


Active Member
skiweeds i like your sig!
thank you. sorry to sort of thread jack but yeah its pathetic. dispensaries charging $50 - $70 for a fucking bag of good shit but not as good as it could be. all these so called caregivers out there looking for patients so they can make huge profits and pretty much fuck the patient over who usually has no money in the first place. every harvest my patients and i split everything down the middle besides my expenses for equipment and electricity. no labor charge because i love doing it and our yields are pretty generous. besides that i work 2 other jobs so money was never an issue to begin with and i always get back what i spend from selling to friends who are either patients or caregivers. i never sell to people i dont know, even if they have a medical card and no matter what their condition is. i just trust no one except my friends i been dealing with for years, lot of them are old high school friends. very rarely do i meet new people. we live in a shit world with an even shittier society. you cant trust anyone these days. be safe!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd rather not know a majority of the people that I meet. There are a few people I believe are trustworthy. I can count them on one hand with fingers to spare.
thanks everyone, im a bit calmer now. i also found a wicked hydro shop close by that has pretty much everything i need at nice prices, so from now on all those little misc items will be purchased there. the odd building supplies from the retail giants but nothing that would make me stand out there.


Well-Known Member
You gave them a fake postcode, thats what i would have done. Now they dont know where you really live.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
They still got your license plate number and your mug on cctv. You should probably go ahead and lube your butt hole up now.