Gary Johnson 2012!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Now there's a man that would get this nation back in line. It was amazing what he did for New Mexico. He was the governor that instigated the Medical Marijuana program (Richardson implemented it), balanced the budget, Cut spending without sacrificing programs. No state employee lost his/her job due to his policies. He was a great governor.


Well-Known Member
In the wake of all the Big Bank Mortgage robosigning, TBTF banks, illegal Foreclosures etc etc etc Gary Johnson had the nuts to tell us all that they did nothing wrong, and nothing illegal.

Fuck Gary Johnson!


Well-Known Member
gary johnson is the only candidate running who could actually win and is pro marijuana, sorry bud ron paul is a joke, a popular joke but still.... if we could get half of the uninformed ron paul people to actually look into gary's campaign the 3rd party candidate could really make a run this year!


Well-Known Member
Gary Johnson has ZERO chance, it's Obama all the way baby. If you COULD get people to look into Gary Johnson? The American people have no time for homework on a candidate, they vote for the shiny they see on TV. Is GJ the shiny they see on TV?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
In the wake of all the Big Bank Mortgage robosigning, TBTF banks, illegal Foreclosures etc etc etc Gary Johnson had the nuts to tell us all that they did nothing wrong, and nothing illegal.

Fuck Gary Johnson!
Finally something we both agree on. We can double team him. The official fake Libertarian party is just a bunch of pussies afraid someone will be offended so they don't say their opinion. You can think gays are icky but be against DOMA and DADT. You're still Libertarian. The only Libertarian qualification is mind your own fucking business. Fuck Gary Johnson.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Isnt New Mexico the state that legalized corporate owned prisons who operate using slave labor by forcing inmates to work for no pay on projects that pay these corporations heavily? Im not certain about this, so it is just a question.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Isnt New Mexico the state that legalized corporate owned prisons who operate using slave labor by forcing inmates to work for no pay on projects that pay these corporations heavily? Im not certain about this, so it is just a question.
That's Arizona


Well-Known Member
Paulbot here, but one who has moved on so I can have someone to actually vote for in November. Gary Johnson 2012, bebbe!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I actually like Gary Johnson a lot. I prefer him to Ron Paul.

I am troubled that Mr. Seca, and Mr. Uterus also seem to like Gary Johnson. That causes just a bit of vertigo for me.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I actually like Gary Johnson a lot. I prefer him to Ron Paul.

I am troubled that Mr. Seca, and Mr. Uterus also seem to like Gary Johnson. That causes just a bit of vertigo for me.
Less than a year ago Unclebuck posted his love for Ron Paul. Apparently Ron Paul cheated on him with a turtle

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Pro choice all the way through late term pregnancies? i.e. Johnson is ok with a woman 36 weeks pregnant with having an abortion?
I don't know, but I doubt it. It is hard for me to understand how anybody can be OK with late term abortions.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Roe v. Wade
“Judges should be appointed who will interpret the Constitution according to its original meaning. Any court decision that does not follow this original meaning of the Constitution should be revisited. That is particularly true of decisions such as Roe vs. Wade, which have expanded the reach of the Federal government into areas of society never envisioned in the Constitution. With the overturning of Roe vs Wade, laws regarding abortion would be decided by the individual states.”
Extracted from Gary Johnson’s Our America Initiative site

Isn't that exactly what Ron Paul says? GJ is also against planned parenthood. Pretty much his stance on abortion, "my opinion changes based on the state I live in!" :dunce:

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I actually like Gary Johnson a lot. I prefer him to Ron Paul.

I am troubled that Mr. Seca, and Mr. Uterus also seem to like Gary Johnson. That causes just a bit of vertigo for me.
You just can't comprehend the simple conclusion that I'm not a liberal. LOL

Your little stereotyped world is falling apart.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Abortion is the kind of choice that when someone makes it they will have to live with it forever. I wouldnt want my child aborted nor can I advocate for it, however certain circumstances and my belief that I cant make choices for others that are that personal keep me out of having an abortion position determine a candidate that I could support or not.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Abortion is the kind of choice that when someone makes it they will have to live with it forever. I wouldnt want my child aborted nor can I advocate for it, however certain circumstances and my belief that I cant make choices for others that are that personal keep me out of having an abortion position determine a candidate that I could support or not.
But you can't say, "no comment." That's the loser response.