Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

Hey all, I'm well. Just taking a forumland break while the heat is up. Been busy with aquarium stuff and the like. Actually have a few plants going under ~100w of LED which seem to be braving the heat.


I'm sure I'll be back once the weather cools or once I finish out my current hatches and finish setting up the rest of my tanks.

Hope all is well with all of you.

Glad to see everything is OK with you and you have a small grow going to keep you busy, Gas.
We'll all be waiting for you when the weather cools. :-o
Hope all is well over here at Gastanker land as well √ I have a new update if you get some free time. √
Hey all,

Still keeping myself busy with fish while it's hot (we're still hitting 100 for days at a time :( ).

Purchased another LED strip but this time just for my fish. $30 for 12x1w (actual 12w of power so I assume 1.5w diodes?) with lenses... grows aquatic plants great:


Using some of my DIY LEDs for aquatic plant grow out tanks as well and they work great. Actually more light than necessary for most aquatic plants:


"150w" (100w array +50w array), likely ~120 true watts has been covering these three guys and some more aquatic plants:


Seem to be doing a pretty decent job with some fairly frosty flowers.
want a turtle to go in one of them tanks? lol. but for real, kinda.(dont know how to ship a turtle lol and its male so it would have to be by itself or with a female same size.)
Haha, thanks but no thanks on the turtle. I'm over my head already. So far my tank list includes: 3g, 5g, 5g, 5g, 5g, 10g, 20g, 20g, 32g, 40g, 40g, 55g, and I have a 100g and a 120g divided breeder arriving this week :o. Been breeding a particular type of African annual fish which has proven to be fairly lucrative - or at least it's funded my expansion so far. I'm expanding into freshwater dwarf shrimp and aquatic plants but turtles just take too much room to breed :)
Hey Gasman, I'm digging the grow and the fish! Good shit indeed. I'm subbed to see how things turn out - thems some frosty nugs coming along there for sure.
Be good
