I'm literally giving away thousands of dollars worth of LEDs right now. I seriously will stab my fucking eyes out if I have to stare at that pink shit any longer.
LEDs - Tricky. They tell you it replaces XXXXwatts but only uses XXXX watts! What a savings! Not quite. I'll elaborate more in detail if requested. Less yield in my experience, but more resin production. Not as much penetration. Big units still generate heat. (watts are watts!!! which = btu 3.414btu/watt)
CDL (Ceramic Discharge Lighting 315w Philips Mastercolor 942/930) Best damn veg light in my opinion. Not much more heat than LEDs, better output/watt. Decent penetration but can be close to canopy ~1' due to LOWER heat.
LEP (Light Emitting Plasma) BEST SPECTRUM!!!!! Not as much output as CDL, because of glass (to block microwaves used to fire the bulb) Best as SUPPLEMENTAL/SMALL VEG. PRICEY!!!