@Dr. Who ;
315W CMH lamps are a lot less than $500 apiece, especially if you're buying in bulk for a warehouse. I paid $200 a kit for bare bulb n ballast myself!
Hate to say it, but there are warehouse grows right here on RIU running nothing but 315W CMH lights.
No self respecting commercial grower will have anything to do with MH- that tech is shit and has been completely eclipsed by CDM/CMH technology.
Dunno about your female friend in China, but lots of people over in the LED section are proving that COBs grow great cannabis. Tech is always moving, that's no excuse to wait unless you feel there is something a lot better right around the corner... which is how I felt about blurple LED. Now that COB LED lighting is here, THAT wait is over.
The only way to get good results with five foot tall pot plants indoors is to light them from the side. Even DE won't do it very well.
COB LED can be placed anywhere near the plant, if it's run softly enough it can be all but touching. It's directional, so efficiency robbing reflectors are unnecessary. Lenses and dimming can help customize the light for your growing style. In other words, it will allow the grower to adjust the lighting to his growing style, instead of forcing the grower to conform to its limitations.
Sorry man, I'm just not buying your assertion that DE is the only logical choice for commercial grows.