It's the whole concept of accepting homosexuality as a normal behavior. Making it ok for gays to marry, would be saying that we as a people accept homosexuality and respect it as anything else. That is not the case. Homosexuality is wrong. It is not normal. Stop trying to make it seem like it is. The only reason it has become such an issue in modern history, is due to the fact of the media. Putting more and more homosexual behavior, to diminish the affects it has on those who see it for the first time. Children, when they see it for the first time, know it is not normal behavior. They laugh and think it's gross. Children are the most honest of any of us. Even they see it
s wrong. And then you say it happens in nature. I would love to see gay animals actuall having gay intercourse. I doubt that could be found. A male dog humping another male dog, is not an example of homosexuality in nature. And why are gays so much more sexually active than straights? They are clearly not connected on a spiritual level. They have hormones and sexual urges, that make it impossible for them to think rationally. For if they did, they would see the immorality in the acts they perform. If they want equal rights, fine. But why destroy every hopeful institution in this country. All they really want is a document that states the government recognizes homosexuality as something that is normal and accepted. The government should not accept this act of perversion. You can live free and do as you like, but you will not be recognized as a 'normal' member of society. Kind of like an ex-convict. They are still part of our society, but they are always looked down upon, and people are just waiting for them to perform their next assault. They should not be able to adopt children either. That is also giving the impression that this behavior is normal. Destroying the family values. Raising a family is very important, and to destroy the aspect of a mother-father relationship, is devastating. Marriage, adoption, these are not rights, but priviledges. We don't let pedophiles adopt children because it is stupid and wrong. The same as we don't allow gays. It would be the destruction of the values that this country stands on. I see the destruction of America in our near future. We our so immoral and corrupt, we will crumble as a nation. There is no more decency, no more pride as a people. We care more about ourselves than we do about the country. No nation can survive when the spirits of the people are bankrupt.