Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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homosexuals are always out there discriminating against others for not being homosexual right?

those intolerant homos think they are entitled to the same goods and services as white christian hetero males.

talk about a demanding bunch of thugs.
You do know that Obama as well as most liberals support partial birth abortions past the point a fetus can survive.

@ 24 weeks a fetus has a 50% chance of surviving.

92% of abortions are performed before 13 weeks. Only 1.2% of abortions happen @ or after 21 weeks.

Your argument is weak.

EDIT: Reasons for abortions past the first trimester;

Conditions in which the woman’s health is
threatened or aggravated by continuing her
pregnancy include:
• certain types of infections;

• heart failure;

• malignant hypertension, including preeclampsia;

• out-of-control diabetes;

• serious renal disease;

• severe depression;

• suicidal tendencies.

These symptoms may not occur until the second

trimester, or they may become worse as the pregnancy

progresses (Cherry & Merkatz, 1991; Paul et al., 2009).

Often young women, teens/pre-teens don't realize they're pregnant until later, or just delay getting tested, etc. Disallowing abortions past the first term is damaging to children who have the misfortune of getting pregnant.

those intolerant homos think they are entitled to the same goods and services as white christian hetero males.

talk about a demanding bunch of thugs.

Over the top as usual Buck! If your gay don't move to Arizona! If you gay don't support a business that refuses to do business with like people of your same social,ethic, and or sexual status "in America you have that right. Right? If a baker doesn't want to make a fucking cake he shouldn't have too! Now is that a smart business man "fuck no"! If I owned a bakery I'd bake Ron Paul's and your wedding cake Uncle Buck, but that's my choice.
then why'd he become a baker?

Typical Buck quote one sentence! The baker doesn't have to make yours mine or Ron Paul's cake!

I think the real victims are the closeted
It must kill them inside.

I think the real victims are the people that have to hear people whine about how one fucking baker didn't want to make the poor gay couple a cake "in Arizona of all places Surprises"! Your gay great I'm not! Life goes on!
the real victims are the people that have to hear people whine about how one fucking baker didn't want to make the poor gay couple a cake "in Arizona of all places Surprises"! Your gay great I'm not! Life goes on!

actually it was in oregon, where we have declared that gays can expect the same civil rights as everyone else and cake shops are not churches.
actually it was in oregon, where we have declared that gays can expect the same civil rights as everyone else and cake shops are not churches.

Oregon sorry! Either way you cant force me to do shit! Its America! Don't throw the fucking church card, churches can be found in all types of locations "hospitals,jails,homes"! If your gay fine, doesn't mean I have to make your wedding cake "even though I would"! See now we can examine the great American way "capitalism" you should open a gay bakery! Would a gay bakery be ok?

PHOENIX — Gov. Jan Brewer returned to Arizona on Tuesday, five days into an escalating controversy over a bill that would allow the use of religious beliefs as a basis for refusing service to gays and others.

The Republican governor has not tipped her hand about what action she will take -- or when. She has said that she wants time to meet with interested parties and review the bill, which would offer a legal shield for businesses that cite religious beliefs as a reason to not serve some customers.
The measure has galvanized the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Close advisers, business officials, faith leaders and others have urged Brewer to veto the bill.
On Tuesday, former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney encouraged Brewer to get out her veto stamp, tweeting "veto of SB1062 is right."
Arizona's two U.S. senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake, both Republicans, have also called on Brewer to strike down the law.
just because someone doesn't agree with you, their a bigoted retard!

now you're getting it.

if someone doesn't agree with me (that gays deserve equal protection of the law), they are a bigoted retard.

go ahead and tell me why gays don't deserve equal protection of the law in a way that is not bigoted. go ahead and try. i could use the amusement.

in a thread about denial of service to gays (this one) you stated emphatically that no one can force you to nor should you have to make a cake for anyone.

it's pretty easy to notice you digging in your heels and getting ready to fight and deducing that you are OK with people denying service to gays if they choose. after all, no one can force you to and you shouldn't have to, according to what you have said.

i'm not OK with denying service to people just because they are gay, or black, or born in a certain country, or a certain gender. you are clearly OK with this.

so if you want me to acknowledge that you are in favor of treating everyone equally, just tell me that it's wrong and hateful to deny service to people based on their sexual orientation, skin color, or the like.
in a thread about denial of service to gays (this one) you stated emphatically that no one can force you to nor should you have to make a cake for anyone.

it's pretty easy to notice you digging in your heels and getting ready to fight and deducing that you are OK with people denying service to gays if they choose. after all, no one can force you to and you shouldn't have to, according to what you have said.

i'm not OK with denying service to people just because they are gay, or black, or born in a certain country, or a certain gender. you are clearly OK with this.

so if you want me to acknowledge that you are in favor of treating everyone equally, just tell me that it's wrong and hateful to deny service to people based on their sexual orientation, skin color, or the like.

Its like talking to a wall!

If your a baker and you choose not to sell a cake cause your a homophobe you have that right! If your gay and don't want to buy a cake from the Christian,Muslim,Buddhist baker you also have that right! I stand by what I said! Why do choose to distort what I'm saying? This is America and you have the mother fucking right to do whatever the mother fuck you want! Do you get it now? Your not my boss buck nor I'm I yours!
If your a baker and you choose not to sell a cake cause your a homophobe you have that right!

not in states like mine where sexual orientation is recognized as a civil right.

hint: progressive views like my state holds ALWAYS win in the long run. recall the struggle blacks had in obtaining civil rights.

have fun being on the losing side of history.

i'd call you a bigot, but hanlon's razor dictates that i attribute your stance to idiocy rather than maliciousness.
I don't have a religion. Religions require faith and dogma, I follow no such things. Posting a single example and attempting to discredit all of science based on that single example is a stupid route to take. "Science isn't science anymore"... lol You're a joke.

A woman has the right to do with her body as she pleases, to a point. Before the child can survive outside the woman, it's not a viable life.

It's hilarious that you care more about the baby that isn't even alive yet, than the mother who is a living, breathing, entity.

There are two possibilities my friend, either their is a God(s) or there is not.

All people have faith. Christians, Muslims, Jews, peagans all believe in God(s) and practice almost universally that faith in said god is required to enter the afterlife, at least the good section thereof.

Folks such as yourself, atheists (a fair conclusion to draw from the statement I quoted) practice an equal amount of faith in their stance that there are/is no God(s) to worship or to live with after this life on Earth is over.

Each group claims to know something that cannot be known; the existence, or lack thereof, of God.

No one from either camp can actually know, oh they may feel that they know, but they cannot really know if their beliefs are indeed correct.

If there is no god, than religions around the world and throughout time have done a lot of evil for nothing, and in many cases a lot of good also, for no reason at all.

If there is a god, the atheists have really a lot more to lose. Though I never put much stock in the oft made religious point here that you ought to just go along with it and say the words anyway, just incase.

Faith ought to be genuine.

I had a long struggle with God, and he has shown himself to me in a way that is undeniable, multiple times, and I am better for it, and grateful because of it.

Atheists are displaying as much faith as any person of religion.

As to abortion, you claim the fetus is not alive, or at least not human yet. At what point does that cease to be and a person, a human person comes into existence?
As to abortion, you claim the fetus is not alive, or at least not human yet. At what point does that cease to be and a person, a human person comes into existence?

some time after they pass through the birth canal and get a birth certificate and social security number.

i won't even address any of the rest of your NA delusions about what does and does not constitute evidence for a proposition.
WERE DID I SAY GAY PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BE TREATED EQUAL? If the fucking baker doesn't want to make your cake he doesn't have to. The retard in question was a dumb ass like you, and said he wouldn't make the cake because it was for a gay wedding! If an over religious baker doesn't want to make a cake for your gay wedding why would you even want to buy it from him? I never said gay people don't deserve equality. Be gay/happy/queer/homesexual what ever floats your fucking boat! Did you understand that! Stop crying bitch every time someone doesn't agree with you!

Where did god teach his followers to discriminate "under religious freedom" due to sexual orientation?
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