I don't have a religion. Religions require faith and dogma, I follow no such things. Posting a single example and attempting to discredit all of science based on that single example is a stupid route to take. "Science isn't science anymore"... lol You're a joke.
A woman has the right to do with her body as she pleases, to a point. Before the child can survive outside the woman, it's not a viable life.
It's hilarious that you care more about the baby that isn't even alive yet, than the mother who is a living, breathing, entity.
There are two possibilities my friend, either their is a God(s) or there is not.
All people have faith. Christians, Muslims, Jews, peagans all believe in God(s) and practice almost universally that faith in said god is required to enter the afterlife, at least the good section thereof.
Folks such as yourself, atheists (a fair conclusion to draw from the statement I quoted) practice an equal amount of faith in their stance that there are/is no God(s) to worship or to live with after this life on Earth is over.
Each group claims to know something that cannot be known; the existence, or lack thereof, of God.
No one from either camp can actually know, oh they may feel that they know, but they cannot really know if their beliefs are indeed correct.
If there is no god, than religions around the world and throughout time have done a lot of evil for nothing, and in many cases a lot of good also, for no reason at all.
If there is a god, the atheists have really a lot more to lose. Though I never put much stock in the oft made religious point here that you ought to just go along with it and say the words anyway, just incase.
Faith ought to be genuine.
I had a long struggle with God, and he has shown himself to me in a way that is undeniable, multiple times, and I am better for it, and grateful because of it.
Atheists are displaying as much faith as any person of religion.
As to abortion, you claim the fetus is not alive, or at least not human yet. At what point does that cease to be and a person, a human person comes into existence?