Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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What about a wedding cake but one of
the couple is a divorcee.
Or what if they have aborted a baby.
Fuckn questionnaire a mile long.
Now we all know God hates queers
but dint Jesus say we should do as his dad says not as he does?

Besides who takes shit from a fuckin baker.
I said make me a pie bitch!!!!!
Can anyone force me to make the butt baby cake?


if you are discriminating against pederasts, yep.

rights are super important.

Edit: also thats clearly a Vag.
Besides I have a checklist of my own.
I don't want just an average hatful sumbitch makin my cake.
Im gonna need dates and names.
What is the greater harm refusing to bake a cake that can readily be obtained elsewhere, or ordering an American citizen to violate his constitutionally protected right to practice his religion. Who has an explicit protection written into the U.S. Constitution, the gays or the baker?

Where does "said" religion say in its teachings to openly discriminate due to a persons sexual preference?
I haven't heard anything about discrimination. Hell around hear a homo is allowed to marry a woman
just like the rest of us.
All kinds of "freedom", religious or otherwise must include the ability of people to disassociate with those they prefer not to associate with.

oh, so you're a white separatist like desert dude. but totally not racist, i'm sure.
the question is, can the governemnt force me to bake a cake for the nuptials of two dudes, even if i, as a baker, find the idea repellant?

if you sell flour, you cant refuse to sell to gays, but baking and decorating a cake with two little dudes in tuxedoes on top is very different.

if somebody placed an order for a cake with a burning cross, and 3 klansmen lynching a black dude on top, refusing to bake that shit would get you a "profile in courage" while a govt bureaucrat who forced you to serve the klansman would be pilloried.

lefties really only care about rights when it features a message they like, but do their damnedest to violate the rights of anyone who holds an unapproved opinion.

so your argument is that yuu were born a klansman now, kynes?

because last time i checked, sexual orientation is something people are born with, whereas being a KKK member is generally not. but if you were born in a KKK outfit, i'll understand and it will explain a lot about you.
What is the greater harm refusing to bake a cake that can readily be obtained elsewhere, or ordering an American citizen to violate his constitutionally protected right to practice his religion. Who has an explicit protection written into the U.S. Constitution, the gays or the baker?

a cake shop is not a church.

you could have made the same argument against serving blacks until civil rights were codified into law, a law that i'm sure someone like you strongly disagrees with.
if somebody offered me enough cash i would totally bake a Cock Cake, with licorice whip pubes, a raspberry frosted head, fondant balls, and buttercream jism squirting from the tip.

if some government poindexter tried to force my grandma to bake that cake, he would get shot.

conversely my grammy probably would have happily baked a James Earl Ray commemorative sheet cake, with rifle and a bloodspattered MLK sculpted in exquisite detail, while somebody trying to force me to bake that cake would get kicked square in the nuts.

but lefties only support your right to refuse when youre refusing something they oppose.

the real crime is disagreeing with lefties, they really dont give a crap about what you think, as long as you submit to their agenda

while the james earl ray thing certainly does explain a lot about you, you are still missing out on the fact that sexual orientation ought to be a protected civil right, whereas your racist streak need not be protected since you are not born a racist.

that is something you clearly learned over the course of your life and should probably give up. but overweight, middle aged walmart employees are not really known for their self control or ability to adapt.

well, you did almost manage to hide your bigotry and homophobia better than you ever managed to hide your blatant racism, but there ya go.

i can only wonder how many minimum wage jobs your 50 year old, 50 pounds overweight ass has been fired from for shit like this.
around hear a homo is allowed to marry a woman
just like the rest of us.

so only men can be gay?

and apparently, blacks have always had the same rights as white people, all they had to do was pain themselves white.

this thread is perfect for bringing out and identifying the scummy racists and bigots among us.
Where does "said" religion say in its teachings to openly discriminate due to a persons sexual preference?

Be honest, you didn't read the op did you?

Anyone else catch the sexuality episode in "the bible" series?
Think it was on history channel but idr.
you're the one who claimed "its [SIC] federal law".

i'm still waiting on you to show me that federal law.

by the way, i'm glad all of these hateful bigots ate on YOUR side, and not mine.

My name is kunta!
We have issues you must resolve before continuing.
We are on the free market program from here on out.
Equal have provided zero consideration I'm afraid.
Please read back a bit and correct....maybe I will ditch the sig if you start acting decent.
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