Gay wedding cakes and the bigots who won't bake them.

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then why not just do anything you like while alive?

they do, then their are others who use words like ethics or morale compass to try to put themselves above other sinners in some sort of sin hierarchy facade in the name of morale compass and pseudo superiority based on subjective/conditional ethics
A terribly weak condiment yet again that actually steals flavor from you.
Like putting water on a fine steak.

Mmmmm yummy.

upstate south carolina is probably a beautiful place untainted by a long and ongoing history of bigotry, racism, homophobia, and hypocrisy.
they do, then their are others who use words like ethics or morale compass to try to put themselves above other sinners in some sort of sin hierarchy facade in the name of morale compass and pseudo superiority based on subjective/conditional ethics

oh yeah then you have the right:wink:
He pwns everyone without name calling or mudslinging. Always facts and always principled.
It is hard to argue with truth. Keep up the good fight Mr. Paul, my checks will keep coming/
here he is celebrating rush limbaugh in no misogynistic terms:

Jan seems bitter towards Rush because he has what she wants and can't achieve. A successful radio show, an independent mind and a penis.
twostroke is a birther, who would have thought? but i bet he's totally not racist.

It must be real because it has a seal and its posted on the internet..............
another eloquent defense of the birther queen:

Lets just make fun of her instead of discrediting the information she presents....yay!...ohh ya know what else is fun? borrowing bank script to help pay back a debt...yay!
I am not married and never have been.

Those are not my words....such laziness.

so you're saying it was a different twostrokenut on that other forum posting videos of his bikes, and this this other twostrokenut (who is totally not you) also moved from upstate SC to california, and writes about the fed in youtube comments?

was that your sister then i was seeing?
probably some other twostrokenut:

Federal Reserve Notes are what the Constitution refers to as "credit of the United States"... this "money" is outside the scope of the Constitution which is why everything being financed with it is also outside the scope of the Constitution. Let MM, and you all, think about that shit for a moment because as I understand it the gov't used to have to ASK us for money to do stuff. We are still actually operating on emergency powers...Banking Act of 1933:)
clearly some other twostrokenut:

The race card is worn out bro....time for a new deck perhaps? Respect our laws (mine and yours) or get the fuck out. I'm hearing no one questioning Obama's citizenship status. Natural Born Citizen and Legal Citizenship status are two different things for a reason. Since you are obviously the expert on Law then what is the difference between Legal Tender status and Lawful money of the United States? It's about damn time we had some real Constitutional debate up in this bitch.
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