Gb 2014

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
elegedly only one year, but by my professional calculations I would say they are on year 3 at least.
Many on my friends won't buy used smart pots or reuse their soil, because of possible pest/other contamination or salt build up... I like to shove my pics in their pompous faces(:

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Fuckin tweekers. At my homeboys farm we used to let off the AR every now and then. The neighbors didn't mind and nobody would step foot on the property. We used to shoot the coyotes that tore apart the chicken coop.
I've been problem free here for 5 years. Every year I increase security and personal paranoia by 50%. I have the DVR recording 24/7 and atleast 1 person on location at all times. All my distant neighbors know me for my target practice during the off season (:

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Feeding day! Perfect overcast for early morning garden work. It burned off, but was nice while it lasted.
275 Gallon Mix:
Ingredients: One heaping gallon of MaxSea(16-16-16) and 1375ml CalMag....:o

:leaf:Blue Dream replacements are catching up quick...:leaf:

I got some Orange Bud and Purple Trainwreck harvested and hanging on the line... later I'll snag some pics of the dried PPP and WW. They smoke nice, and they will be awesome with a proper cure.