Gb 2014

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Since we are having some amazing weather, I've been busy around the farm. From pulling stumps, tilling the soil, fencing, greenhouse construction. Soil pile is 12 yards ($560 with delivery), 12 bags of Perlite #3 ($300), 6 MaxSea 20lb ($600). The greenhouse ($?) is going to be 20x18 with a ceiling tapering from 8 to 6 feet. I am going to make it splitable, So I can have a dark room when needed. More pics to come, but first I gotta out and enjoy the sun... right after another dab :)


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First post!
Hell yeh man doing lots of work

How long do you ink the greenhouse should take , another week?

And last year were the plants in raised beds or did u just dig holes I can't remember.
First post!
Hell yeh man doing lots of work

How long do you ink the greenhouse should take , another week?

And last year were the plants in raised beds or did u just dig holes I can't remember.

I should have her done soon (1-2weeks), And there were just dug holes 3x3x3 (LOTS of shoveling). If I can afford it after my greenhouse and fence boards, I want to make 1 foot raised beds.
I am in GB your the man i am not even thinking about outdoor yet ,still trimmimg last years and working on my indoor grow .What was your favorite strain last year as far as dankness?
Chernobyl was the "Stoniest", fluffy bud, good yield. Not coming back tho.
Wonder Woman has some excellent bag appeal (indoor looking). I have 10 seeds on standby. So she would be my strain of the year (besides Purple Crack)
Got a shitload done today on the greenhouse. Off to home depot, LOL.
Yea my greenhouse got put on hold till spring other things came up.

Looks like you're keeping busy tho.

I moved my outdoor grow area havent set up the new on still have todo that.
I should have her done soon (1-2weeks), And there were just dug holes 3x3x3 (LOTS of shoveling). If I can afford it after my greenhouse and fence boards, I want to make 1 foot raised beds.
Yea man I bet thats a lot of fucking digging ( bring in the mexicans!!! Hahah) that would be sick tho 1 foot tall raised beds over the holes definently make for some monsters no need for the fence there ganna be double over head hahaha jk.
Yes i have heard Chernobyl is very stony,how come you are not going to run it again?I remember your wonder women pic super tall in small pot what are the genetics and how can i get them.One more thing how did the girl scout cookies turn out? Thanks Cross
Chernobyl didn't have the bud structure I like (too fluffy). I'm pretty picky lol. If I did grow her again it would be purely for wax or hash, a weird and different high for sure (sativa).
Wonder Woman (link above) from Nirvana, Attitude Seeds. I got 10 seeds ready for the ground this year :) She was a monster and had hardly any roots grow thru the fabric. I await the results of her in my 1+ yard holes *evil laugh here*
My GSC's were clones most likely mislabeled or lied about. Moderate smoke, good yield, good look.... not coming back.
I got the door framed in, and a funny pic of one of my guard dogs :)
I need order my fans, gravel, enviro control, and so much more. Happy Prepping.


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nice dog
yea i dislike it when you get a strain grow and it turn out to be something else >.< that really grinds my gears....
I try to grow small 'testers' indoors, with new strains, before I devote any of my precious outdoor space to it.
Off to a nice start GB!

I try and do the same, I dont want to waste a whole year on one plant just to find out its a dud..
iv'e looked at wonder women over the years just didn't know if it was mold resistant so i never tried it ,now maybe i should take a look at it and see if i will take the coastal foggy weather here?? not many strains that we have tried ( over 100+) didn't mold here less than 10 , the ones that don't ,don't mold and all the others have a complete meltdown in the 3-4 week of budding can't wait to see them this season in your garden
I ordered 6 yards of Base Gravel, and it's been a long day of shoveling :) Oh and Getaway, wonder woman is mold prone(sorry man). I didn't have problems but it is warned in seed/stain description. I need some whiskey and dabs, then repeat...


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Hey neighbor. Great weather up here too! We do need the rain tho!

I've also been doing some garden work and greenhouse is going up soon. Maybe 2!!!!

Would love to see pics of yours when it comes along.

Cheers and stay lit!
I ordered 6 yards of Base Gravel, and it's been a long day of shoveling :) Oh and Getaway, wonder woman is mold prone(sorry man). I didn't have problems but it is warned in seed/stain description. I need some whiskey and dabs, then repeat...

that's good to know g b that's why i haven't got it to try out not many make the cut over here with this climate ya greenhouse is coming along nicely