Gbomb#4 help!!


Hi new to growing, have some questions, we are in day 53, so my questions are , are side lights benificial, also was wondering if using led lights as side lights but have 600watt hps lights up top, can you mix lights, I haven't done side lights yet wondering if any body has tried this. Also other question is super cropping same as monster cropping? If they are different what is the scoop? Thanks for reading!!
More light to the sides, likely to increase growth. Up to a certain extent, more light is better...
I have areas that are lit with CMH, HPS, and LEDs I built...mix at will.
Super cropping is a form of plant training, by bending, folding, nearly breaking stems to change the apical dominance of growing branches, having a similar effect to topping a growth shoot.
Monster cropping is a method of cloning. During the flowering stage, a clone is taken and that clone is then reverted back into vegetative growth, causing some sort of alien voodoo hormonal change in the plant causing all future branching to multiply at an accelerated rate....
I think.
I really appreciate the info, we have already topped few weeks back plants have recovered and look good, is it a good idea to supcrop before I flip, I'm leaving this crop in veg a lttle longer and wondering if that is ok.
Oh yeah. Supercrop is routine in my gardens. Best results while still in veg, although if one gets going outta control I've been known to fold over a branch during flower....Theres many ways, im sure there are some videos out there somewhere...
A lot of growers are timid about damaging their plants, not me...Pencil sized branch? Lightly pinch, with both hands, one hand above a node, one hand below, and twist until you feel a slight pop.... Bend, fold, twist....Ive tied smaller branches in knots, literally just to see if it could handle it, and it can...
A healthy plant, during veg, can take a fuckin beating and come back with guns blazing....
She'll have a look of despair for a day, maybe two after a good beatdown, but they jump right back up soon enough....