GC's 2016/17 outdoor season

GC the platinum buffalo is looking fire! Hopefully she carries some of that through.

How late in the season did you plant that super short Raspberry X? If I can keep them to 2-3 feet tall, I can put some out where I go hunting and they should be impossible to see unless you are right next to them.
cheers bro, the beans for the shorty Raspberry X were planted 13th feb, yes theres a lot of advantages with short plants especially in long grass where they become invisible, i like tying them down below the eyeline too, nothing gives a plant away more than its Xmas tree shape,
also you have a legitimate excuse being out in the field while your hunting!
im posting some pics of Plat Buff pheno #2 today, ive neglected her as she is not as colorful as the purp pheno, but she is nice in her own way too
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since its such a PITA to bend over & upskirt the girls in search of nanners im thinking along the 'mirror on handle' line as used by security personnel to view under vehicles for other naughty things!

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lower 4 pics - IHG Platinum Buffalo #2 non purp pheno approx 3' high, this one has been pollinated via Cannarado Barney Rubble, the other purp pheno pollinated via GDP x C99(apologies if i mistakenly stated otherwise in earlier posts)
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@hayrolld what do you hunt after? i havnt been out for ages, used to do some boar hunting with 12g shotgun & solid hollowpoint slugs, and duck hunting around some dams
Bay Exclusives Tiramisu Cookies pollinated via G.A.S. Cherry Sherbet day 53 approx 3' high, very excited to see how the offspring of this pollen chuck will perform
Man, LST really helps the structure on these plants (looking at that green buffalo pheno - lotsa tops for that size plant). That should not surprise me because I do it indoors, but most outdoors just focus on growing trees. I will be trying that. I was happy to hear you got those short plants it only a week before the equinox. That means I still have time to scout and plant a stealth grow!

My main focus for hunting is whitetail deer. I hunt hogs and waterfowl too when I get time (work blows) but I love deer hunting. I do archery except for waterfowl.
Use both, they look great! Unless one had a lot better terps/yield/structure/etc
your right, though ive got 3 areas which allow 3 separate types to chose from, im thinking a Buckeye Purple stud in 1 zone, then a Pugsbreath/Meatbreath stud in the 2nd area, then the Pirates Emerald Triangle Purple Urkle f1 stud in the 3rd zone...plenty of time to work it out cos beans for the chuck wont be planted until mid jan 2018
Man, LST really helps the structure on these plants (looking at that green buffalo pheno - lotsa tops for that size plant). That should not surprise me because I do it indoors, but most outdoors just focus on growing trees. I will be trying that. I was happy to hear you got those short plants it only a week before the equinox. That means I still have time to scout and plant a stealth grow!

My main focus for hunting is whitetail deer. I hunt hogs and waterfowl too when I get time (work blows) but I love deer hunting. I do archery except for waterfowl.
yes having to keep plants in a low profile has led to a few accidental discoveries like how tying down seems to help with a better yield overall and supercropping techniques too.
with those times to start plants late in the season a lot has to do with your locale, in that the outdoors season here can stretch from september right through to the end of may in the next year, a total of 8 full growing mths, yet somebody who lives 500 miles south of this position at a higher & cooler altitude the season may only go from november through to march before its too cold to grow
hunting deer with a bow is no mean feat...kudos there, my bro hunts them & he has told me of some real trials when it comes to stalking them, we get mostly sambar here
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your right, though ive got 3 areas which allow 3 separate types to chose from, im thinking a Buckeye Purple stud in 1 zone, then a Pugsbreath/Meatbreath stud in the 2nd area, then the Pirates Emerald Triangle Purple Urkle f1 stud in the 3rd zone...plenty of time to work it out cos beans for the chuck wont be planted until mid jan 2018
You could put a meatbreath and pugbreath male in one area together for an open pollination. If one starts dropping pollen more than a week before the other, it will basically be the only male in the seeds though.
One of the only good things about being down here is the nice weather- typically there are only two months with a chance of freezing. I think if I plant in early August, like 6-7 weeks before the equinox, they should have plenty of time to finish.

Sambar look similar to our elk here. Or, the Western states in the US at least. Elk are about the size of red stag, but the antlers are not as impressive. Whitetail deer are much smaller, around 50-60 kilos down here. Stalking deer with a bow is very difficult. I usually use an elevated perch or camouflaged blind to ambush them along travel paths. Still tricky, but you have a better chance of drawing an arrow without them seeing the motion and running.

The barney rubble looks good, and the terp profile sounds delicious. Does it look like the seeds took in them?
One of the only good things about being down here is the nice weather- typically there are only two months with a chance of freezing. I think if I plant in early August, like 6-7 weeks before the equinox, they should have plenty of time to finish.

Sambar look similar to our elk here. Or, the Western states in the US at least. Elk are about the size of red stag, but the antlers are not as impressive. Whitetail deer are much smaller, around 50-60 kilos down here. Stalking deer with a bow is very difficult. I usually use an elevated perch or camouflaged blind to ambush them along travel paths. Still tricky, but you have a better chance of drawing an arrow without them seeing the motion and running.

The barney rubble looks good, and the terp profile sounds delicious. Does it look like the seeds took in them?
sounds good & i hope your outdoors crop kicks on! anything is better than nothing so its worth a try! i was reading about the archers of yore in the UK, damn those dudes were strong with the draw weights they were required to perform!
yes the calyx have swollen somewhat in the Barney Rubble but...sometimes the genes do not mix for whatever reason & the seeds end up being infertile, its all a real gamble, thats why im trying to outcross as many as i can manage because almost certainly there will be a percentage of failures
out of the 4 x IHG Timeless montage only this girl has remained virginal, hoping the other 3 pollinated females produce healthy babies, cos this strain is exceptionally hardy to adverse weather conditions
lower 2 pics
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@bobqp hows those bush tents going there now man? hope all is ok!
Yeh everything is going to plan . havnt to replace 2 greenhouses due to wallabies chewing holes in the side of them. First males are stretching should be doing my first pollination in say 10 days should get maybe 200 seeds in first pollination will use skunk sativa male over ,blue dream, black gum, ghost train haze 1, in the first pollen chuck , then wait four weeks for the next pollen chuckIMG_20170511_163148.jpg IMG_20170511_163133.jpg IMG_20170511_163148.jpg IMG_20170511_163133.jpg IMG_20170507_124136.jpg