GDP, (auto??) Is this normal?

OK, so, I saved some seeds...for shits and giggles planted...and now have this beast. About 2 weeks ago I had a board fall on her, tied her up..cloned the broken stem before I knew it could be splinted...and now the leaves that were biggest during the "incident" are all dying slowly. And I think I'm either getting the beginning of trichs, or a fungus. I may start a different thread to address this. Any help or suggestions are much needed! I did not expect it to grow so big, so fast, its outside and I thought I'd kill it by now..but she's got big beautiful flowers.....and like hell if I'm cutting her down!! 90% positive its a GDP. Strain... No idea about auto flower...this was pretty much just because I have far too much time on my hands.. And now I don't want to screw it up. So anyone who can give me advice here...please and THANKYOU.



Well-Known Member
IMG_20150924_151837708-1.jpg Looks like phosphorus, magnesium def to me. Id use some epsom salts 1 tbl spoon per gal and bat guano is high in phosphorus, hope that helps.
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That's what I feared, but its only on the leaves that were the biggest at the time the board fell. All the new leaves look healthy. I had a bout w iron def. So I just put a handful of old nails into my watering can. Now I'm worried that the extra iron is causing a cal. Or mag. Def. ...but again, all new leaves are virtually perfect.


Well-Known Member
check your N looks deep green to me and also some of the leaves are curling under like overwatering
only when its dryyyyy
I've just started to let it get dry between watering. Like I said...I just planted it...never knew what I was doing!! Thanks for ur help... Should I try miracle gro tomato food? Im Walmart all the way here. I know its probably blasphemy but, unless the farm n garden store will have it I can't see it making it til I can order something online. But it looks more healthy than not.


Well-Known Member
if youre in the market for nutrients, you could get a good all purpose fertilizer like a 20-20-20, until you get a better handle on it or get something online or whatever.. or something with lower N since youre flowering..what kind of soil do you have?
Also just repotted last week cuz i was afraid it was running out if room, got her in a 3 gal. Pot. From a 1.5 gal. Probably not real smart but its gotten alot bushier.
Not 100%/ there's a def. At all. I know I have a nute burn...but the damaged leaves are still the only damaged leaves...except for the splinted branch, which has a couple new curlednleaves. Which is calcium def. From high iron when I treated that issue.


Well-Known Member
most miracle grow has time release nutrients in it. so you have to be kinda careful adding more..
Yeah. It was doing better before I started a regular cycle of fert.After some research i think I'm switching to .25 strength of tomato food w some Epsom salts next week.
Decided against empsom salts and just went mg. Tomato at 50%. It's got plenty of just what it needs. Tried feeding it to the clone..its looking amazing. Just pruned all the necrotic leaves..not stems. And hoping for the best case scenario.