GDP clone 12/12 PiCS


Well-Known Member
hey guys i am currently growing a grand daddy purple clone.. just wanna get some input here is some pics..
the clone itself is small i got it on dec 28 and vegged it till jan 22 for the reason that i wanted to try a small stealth grow and i started it in a pc but the pc tower was too small so i had to upgrade..
ok so i only have 2 cfl's 2700K 26 watts each so only 52 in i was thinking to throw in another 2 26 watts 2700K cfl's but i have a small space so not too much light fits so what do you guys think???



Well-Known Member
sorry pics got a bit stretched had to resize the 3rd and 4th pic you can tell how i folded it and it adapted to the light and grew towards it


Well-Known Member
been using this plant food called "dynamite" it was a recommendation from my friend that also fed hsi plant this while it was flowering and the buds showed alot of results and got fat so this is my try ;)
kinda remodeled the little grow room and tied down several tops so will post new and improved pics later...any suggestions will help so thanks alot guys....



Well-Known Member
ok now they are starting to show there sex ((female)) and i added 2 fans one for exhaust and one for fresh air and it made the temps heres some pics i snapped yesterday they are better quality
and heres a little clip of the plant you can see how the stem is folded




Well-Known Member
sounds very loud in the video, how loud are the fans youre using?
yea those babys got power and in reality you cant really hear them when you have the cabinet closed and specially since i have it inside the closet its ultra silent but yea when i open the cabinet its not loud at all it just sounds loud cause i put the camera inside the grow room so all the air circulating was hitting the cameras mic and made that loud sound...but yea thanks for watching the videos bro this baby is growing nice....


Well-Known Member
ok heres new pics i also added a 42watt cfl 2700k that i got from walmart today...i actually got 2 but i realized one of them was broke when i got home i will be returning for the other one ;(

plants are doing good and they adapted to the the bend very well on pic 3 i circled the folded stem with red so you can see it



Well-Known Member
did not have time to go to walmart for the other 42 so i got a 32watt cfl in a local store but it turns out to be 6500k when i connected it to the box it stood out lol it was all blue so i took it off and put back the 26watt 2700k so my question is what is better to replace one of the 26 watt 2700k with a 32 watt 6500k?? cause i read around that is good to mix the lights sometimes


Well-Known Member
ok so now i put 4 cfl's in it

2 26 watts 2700k cfl

1 42 watts 2700k cfl
1 32 watts 6700k cfl

in can still fit another light without no heat issue or space so iam waiting on my 2nd 42watts 2700k cfl....i also ordered the nutes already i went with advanced nutrients big bud....iam also thinking to purchase bud candy does anybody have any reviews for it???


Well-Known Member
you can mix spectrums and it shouldn't hurt anything. I usually start mine with a mix and then later change to 2700-3000k bulbs for flower. I have flowered with a mixed group too and still had the same results. Glad to see that you got a good female going there good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
just get 100w cfls 2700k and in the future they have 6500k ones to =) i like them there nice


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys i just cant make up my mind now between bud candy or advanced nutrients sweet any suggestions ??

ps:WvMade where can i get the 100watt cfl's because i cant find them not in wal-mart or home depot


Well-Known Member
Lowes? thats where i got mine if not order them mine where like $16.99
dam only 7 more bucks each but double the watts ;) i paid 10.00 for the 42watt ones....iam going to try to make the trip today to lowes and look into the 100 watts....

so anybody gots advice for the nutes...





Well-Known Member
dam only 7 more bucks each but double the watts ;) i paid 10.00 for the 42watt ones....iam going to try to make the trip today to lowes and look into the 100 watts....

so anybody gots advice for the nutes...



Well depends on where you live maybe? because i didn't pay that for 42 watts and i don't know what those are really but i choose bud candy =)

P.S BE READY FOR BIG BULBS what im trying to say is there gonna look fuckin huge for a while until you get used to them lol i was so used to the lil tiny ones these just stunned me i was looking at all these diff kinds of cfls then BOOM big ass cfl in my face it was funny srry for jabberin just got done smokein a doobie