GE Fluorescent Grow lights??


Active Member
I am a first time "Newbie". I have been reviewing a lot of online info and have absorbed quite a bit of good info. I have been planning the grow set up for completely indoors with a aprox area of 20' X 20'. I want to divide the area up with 3 rooms and have questions on lighting. I want use a 10" x 20" x 8" (dome) seed/clone starter kit with 1.5 x 1.5 rockwool cubes. I was hoping to use the GE grow light for my light source over that. I then want to set up a second area for my veg area with the larger rockwool cubes but I am not sure of the lighting needed for such. For my main room I was going to work off of 2- 4' x 8' ebb flow trays with 6 x 6 rockwool over coco mats and use 4 Lumigrow 330w LED systems. Can I have some strong advice regarding my lighting needs. Thanx everybody!!!


Active Member
I mean no disrespect.. take this or leave it..

Pull off growing 1 or 2 plants and clone off them and flower off them, get through a few harvests of a few plants, before you do ANYTHING.

Good to be reviewing like you say.. I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do, but if I had one bit of advice to a noobie, it would be grow one plant through harvest before you start making plans for the forest.

You learn a lot from the experience that will apply to a larger grow, but if you screw things up first (and you probably will the first few times around) your investment is small and you can start over and try to get it right next time.

Growing grass is pretty easy... but the learning curve of a few small harvests might help you to better plan more efficient use of your time and money and space.. you can't just 'read' some things nearly as effectively as you can 'live' them.. I mean you can, but it rarely works out that way.


Active Member
Hey Thanx Maxwell. I know you are correct and this sounds like really straight advice. The seeds are the only thing I have to start from. I have the connection to get cuttings but they are 2500+ miles away. I wish I had the source for "good" cuttings and run with that. I wish the seeds would all come in 100% females but that's a long shot at best. I am working on germinating seeds as I write and the structure is being set up next week to make this a stand alone structure. I wish there was a magic button to take the learning curve out of the picture. Again thanx for the comment and I hear what you are saying.


Well-Known Member
What 333 is saying, and I couldn't agree more, is to think of first grow as a test and use those learnings to fine tune your set up. Also, you can buy feminized seed on line.