gee now I have frikin spider mites.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
So I bought some clones from a club. Who grows these? What baby booming retard is out there with his work without a brain go bourgoise rambo fuckup style of garden assasination? Oh my fucking god. I now have powder mildew and spider mites. And I mean a million of these spider fucktards popped the hell out. It was my second time buying clones from a club. The first time I let the humidity dip one minute and powder mildew hit too. Disease city.

I fixed the PW right away of course. I use serenade and high power fans. But I never expected spider mites. I was the dumb fuck to trust the grower to have half a brain. I did not bother to dip right away in neem and water. I just let it go. I have never even seen a mites. Then i noticed the yellow specs. I broke out the old mag loop and the little fuckers were like aids crawling all over my girls!

I am killing them with neem every day. There are eggs that look like "pearls" according the internet all over the leaves. It sucks. I worry they might spread to the flower tent.

Neem works to kill the living ones. Spraying under the leaves. this time. But DUDE! :clap:

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
Dr Doom Botanics. organic kills on conatact and is highest content of pyrithium out there.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
right on. I am getting all that too. I am so pissed I think I have the red but I must confess I did not look to close at the dot markings. The black dotted ones are worst I read. However that is if you can afford to turn up the humidity to kill them. Not with the aggressive ass pw I have. I went straight for the neem bottle I have. I am spraying them with water and neem and later some pyrethrin, my favorite bug killer. I want to get a fogger too.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I have sprayed with neem and pyrethrin now also taken the net pots to the shower and hosed down the leaves. The plants are still growing on the upside. + rep. I wondered how fast the neem would kill on its own. A note to all. Keep neem and pyrethrin and serenade for Powder mildew on hand becasue you dont to be yelling oh fuck and not have anything on hand. Be prepared. First rule of surviving zombies.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
good advice to have on hand. i test alot of poroducts out there as its my job and i find Botanics was best hands down. tried pure neem, and didnt cut it for me. to slow and not a kill on contqact so its more work. i did 1 time with botanics and almost got em all. it does need re-treatment for eggs however as all do. most all they do is mess up their eating amd make them starve to death or the reproductive so they cant breed more. is why its slower.
also treat pm with microbial to soil or foliar. they eat it.and is organci and safe to use right to chop day, i use one called Endofine plus. its the foliar and the have one for soil drench. or i use my copmanies microbials to treat the soil. most impostant is to know what type of pm it is or its a watse to treat it, you may actualy be feeding it