Geitner Unleashed

jeff f

New Member
While I haven't read every post word-for-word in this thread, I did skim over them - so if I missed something please excuse the oversight. One thing I noticed that when people here were screaming "more taxes for corporations!" not one swinging dick mentioned or acknowledged the fact that corporations, or any business for that matter does not actually pay taxes. All they do is collect those taxes, we - the consumers are the only taxpayers. The same is true with personal income taxes, but the connection is not as direct as corporate taxes. This is one reason I'm a Fair-Tax supporter.

Raise taxes on XYZ corporation? Watch the prices they charge for their services or goods increase - or the quality go down - or payrolls to their workforce go down - or layoffs. Corporations are not in the business of cutting profits to pay taxes - or any other expenses for that matter, as their goal is to make money for their investors.

So go ahead and raise taxes on them, but don't bitch when they pass the bill to you at the cash register.

run you libs, the antichrist has entered the building!!