The PCK that Ace and CBG offer is straight out of the Chitrali mountains, the green pheno is stronger than the coloured phenos. How many Malawis do you have though? I got very very lucky and got the 'killer' thin leaf pheno, I too look to make a PCK x Killer Malawi cross but I only have 1 fem Chitrali and wont cross it if it's the green pheno.
you can still tell which males are stronger than the others, the aroma and visible resin would be a way to tell but you're right about the recessive traits and I do agree that their would be a lot of random luck in breeding but I heard the males genetics dominate over the mother in the progeny - so sativa pollen be best if you wanted more sativa leaning progeny.
I reckon outdoor breeding is best for maintaining 'hardness' and vigour, vigour is another problem in breeding to maintain - I'd say you'd have to keep an original parent alive or store some pollen or inject some feral lines into your project.
The Chitrali plants offered by CBG don't have too much vigour because the are inbred for hundreds of years!, same with the Tashkent plant I have running but it takes off after awhile.
Good luck with the Yarkuom seeds mate, I hope the crack and give you some nicely coloured phenos to play with. Check out Cannabiogen and Ace for pure sativas that can be grown indoors easily! - Destroyer,Malawi,Bangi haze,Guatamala etc are pure sativas with moderate flower times, especially the Malawi - so easy to grow for a landrace and is only 12-14 weeks.