Gender help needed


Active Member
same the pics arnt right up close.if the plant has white/brown hairs the congrats its a for your other plant if it has little sacks in in the middle of the nodes its a male plant.the sacks look like little grapes and when then open they release if your 1 of your plants are male then i suggest you seperate the male from the female or kill the male if you dont want it to pollenate your female and and up with 2


Well-Known Member
Not one of your pics was clear enough to be able to tell. please try to take a close up, CLEAR, picture of the area that you say is a "white flower." Also, using the word "flower" automatically denotes female...


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit, i needed a good laugh and Dave came through! thanks brother!


Well-Known Member
Here,s somthing some forget about takin pics.......Most cameras have a MACRO setting, it's used for close ups. Usually the ICON for this setting is illustrated with a flower. Turn this one and take your pics again. You were close enough, but way outta focus.


Well-Known Member
still waiting for better pics dude. Are you going to post any so that we can further help you???


Active Member
Knowing that the flowers and pre-flowers of the ganja plant are very small in nature - how could you possibly think anyone in this world would be able to determine sex from those pictures? Jesus shit people.


Active Member
hey guys sorry about the wait , finally got my lapop back, what about these pics?

1st 3 pics are my smaller plant

rest are my larger one