General Grow Questions


Active Member
Good afternoon guys,
My girls are getting kinda "droopy" and turning yellow. I have been distilling the water and checking my ph before I water but my plants are still yellowing and droopy...I have pinched off most the brown/really yellow leaves but I'm wondering if these will make it? I also dont know how or when to trim so Let me know if these look like I have trimmed forrectly? Im at a litttle more than 4 weeks in veg with 24/7 MH and I am wanting to turn my lights to 12/12 with my hps but with how theyre looking now I dont want to kill them or anything. Can anyone tell me what I should do? can I switch to 12/12 and start to flower or should I wait...I will also be transplanting these to bigger pots with MG organic soil either today or tomorow. Any suggestions ?This is my first grow and it would be a real buzz kill if all my girls died!IMAG1231.jpgIMAG1232.jpgIMAG1233.jpgIMAG1234.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, and I last watered at about 8-9 hrs ago...should I water again?
No don't water again until the dirt is almost dry. You can judge by feeling how heavy the pots are when watered. Water again when the pot feels considerably lighter. Stick your finger a couple inches in the dirt,if you feel moisture wait to water.
Were they watered in the pics. to me the plants look over watered but the soil looks dry.


Active Member
They had been watered about 3 hrs before the pics....I usally give them about 3/4 of a normal publix spring water bottle per pot once a day at 9 am....they usally feel light like the soil is dry in the morn but maybe i should give them less water more often? or more water less often? Or just less water less often? also what would happen if I were to change the light cycle to 12/12 and switch to a 400w hps? would they flower like they should or would they just die?


Well-Known Member
next time it needs watering give it enough water so that some comes out the bottom of the pot. then don't water again till it's lighter and dry. probably 3 days or so. Just gotta keep checkin um. I have one strain that drinks twice as much as most others, so it can vary.


Active Member
don't be afraid to stick your finger ( at least knuckle deep) into the soil. if you pull your finger out and its still moist don't water. if its dry, then water. its that simple. give your plants water when they want it. your not in hydro so you can't just set a watering time and expect you plants to comply.


Active Member
okay thanks guys, I will water less and only when it needs it not on a schedual anymore. Do you think that will fix the problem? Also should I wait to flower till they are looking better? +rep for the help guys


Active Member
okay thanks guys, I will water less and only when it needs it not on a schedual anymore. Do you think that will fix the problem? Also should I wait to flower till they are looking better? +rep for the help guys
It's funny you should ask this because I was experiencing mag and cal def a little from under watering ( my plants weren't drooping ever so I didn't think that was the issue) but I up'd my water time ( in hydro) to a better schedule and they started looking a lot better. but I'm currently running 4 different genetics with 7 different phenos and some of them were still showing some issues.

I have this theory that when you switch to 12/12 the hormone dump the plant issues to itself for that stretch they always do the first few weeks is enough to "restart" their progress. so anyways back to my op. I'm in week 3 now almost to 4 and my canopy is full and a nice shade of green. not too dark. its like they forgot they had issues.

though, I will say if you're actually battling a pathogen like root rot from over watering cut back on the microbial feed or sweetener of any kind until you get normal green growth again. then you can add the microbial feed or/and sweetener back to your regiment.

so if you're wondering if you should flower them. wait until at least they show signs of new growth before you do. if you're going to transplant them before you do, again, I recommend you wait until they show signs of new growth after the transplant before you flip them to a 12/12

hope this helps


Active Member
Thanks for the info bro, ur grow sounds awesome...I'm goin to research hydro a little more and might try it on my next grow, depending on if these would I tell if my plants have root rot or other problems?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry bout root rot. just dont water em till they need it. the plants look healthy other than a little droopy.