You gotta feed your mind too. Cannabis takes down barriers in your mind, it allows you to better understand past experiences in your life, no repression allowed. We are a "medicine happy" country which is perpetuated by pharmacutical corporations. Ibuprofen, Advil, Tylenol, Prozac could be replaced. Look at the benefits for arthritis relief, nausea supression, stimulated appetite, cold/flu treatments. Its a no brainer that bud is all natural as opposed to every single other medicine. There's been absolutely no evidence to show that cannabis causes cancer, unlike those things you buy at the gas station. Its not even that addictive, the only thing that sucks is when someone tries to think they can make you stop. People quit all the time, they're just irritated until the pee test and blaze one in the parking lot after. I have been smoking consistently the same for 3 years, still about the same amount a week too. I don't go to class high or obvious shit, just be responsible. Bud is more harmless than any amount of drinking, not that I haven't drank my face off before though, haha...