general light ,and cost per watt,hour,day,month


i started a a1plant hydro grow under cfls e3 150 watt cfls tp be exact and all was going well till hurricane sandy hut and destroyed my prebyilt tyen modified and made larger grow bix v(bix was cheap price and buildb)anyhow what i was grpwing were some nice feminized ak47 seeds from reputable im assuming from reasarch . anyway that plant winded up veing thrown out after reaching an ok height of about 15" and very healthy nice color and all
anyway what im here for in search of today is some help in figuring the coat per kilowatt hourl/watt hour for my next venture which is to grpw more properly using an actual hps light, nothing too fancy but def better imo than cfls the light is a sunbeam 150watt hps light and with what i gathered doingi more onlune research which in my opinion prob isnt safe being that i live in a bon legal to smoke posess or grow weed state found out if my research serves me correctly that cpst per killowatt where im from is about 15.6 cents and so with this being said i figured that it should cost me about .00015 per watt an hour whatever that come out to anyway not to spund stupid monetarily ,is that a thousanth or hundred of a penny k? than i mutiplied that amount (and please correct me if and when im wrong in my calculations if ever ,being that this is why im posting here today)by the watts 150 watts of my sunbeam hps light to get cost per hour of light for the veg stage and and got .0225 cents per 150 watts per hour and so then figured multiply that# x24 hrs and got .54 cents per day times 30 days and got 16.2$ per 30 days to run my hps on a 24/7 cycle for veg stage a!!!! does all this seem right assuming the m15.6 cents per kil/lowatt hour cost being correct ? have i done the calculations correctly and does it all soound/seem right?


i started a a1plant hydro grow under cfls e3 150 watt cfls tp be exact and all was going well till hurricane sandy hut and destroyed my prebyilt tyen modified and made larger grow bix v(bix was cheap price and buildb)anyhow what i was grpwing were some nice feminized ak47 seeds from reputable im assuming from reasarch . anyway that plant winded up veing thrown out after reaching an ok height of about 15" and very healthy nice color and all
anyway what im here for in search of today is some help in figuring the coat per kilowatt hourl/watt hour for my next venture which is to grpw more properly using an actual hps light, nothing too fancy but def better imo than cfls the light is a sunbeam 150watt hps light and with what i gathered doingi more onlune research which in my opinion prob isnt safe being that i live in a bon legal to smoke posess or grow weed state found out if my research serves me correctly that cpst per killowatt where im from is about 15.6 cents and so with this being said i figured that it should cost me about .00015 per watt an hour whatever that come out to anyway not to spund stupid monetarily ,is that a thousanth or hundred of a penny k? than i mutiplied that amount (and please correct me if and when im wrong in my calculations if ever ,being that this is why im posting here today)by the watts 150 watts of my sunbeam hps light to get cost per hour of light for the veg stage and and got .0225 cents per 150 watts per hour and so then figured multiply that# x24 hrs and got .54 cents per day times 30 days and got 16.2$ per 30 days to run my hps on a 24/7 cycle for veg stage a!!!! does all this seem right assuming the m15.6 cents per kil/lowatt hour cost being correct ? have i done the calculations correctly and does it all soound/seem right?


bud bootlegger
$.15 cents is a dime and one nickel per k/w hour op..

let me try and work out the cost using your numbers to see if i get the same costs..

yupper, it looks to me as you got the numbers right.. :D:D:D:D


Active Member
150 watts aint costing you more than 2 100 watt would have to look at you electric bill to know for sure what your paying per kilowatt hour...but 150 watts you wouldent even notice on your electric bill... your math looks correct but that price perKwH is an average they put on there, the cost of electricity fluctuates through out the day based on peak use times and low use times, so that could affect your numbers too...peace


Well-Known Member
The cost of running a 150 watt light? Not even worth the effort of working it out.Even if you were an illegal immigrant washing car windscreens for a living you could afford this.


ok now that we got the mathl/cost of a q1t5p0watt hps on however many hours my next qyeation in regards to the distance i should keep the 150watt hps from my plant during veg ?also should i use the 150 watt hps light just for the flower stage of my northern lights fem and use the cfl for veg or should i just use the hps all the way thru veg and flower ? and if so ( hps)how far should i keep it from plant once it sprouts ? i had great success duromh veg with cfls firat grow yhe plant grew nicw and tall befpre sandy killed her and my 1st grpw box lol


Active Member
Distance...put the back of ur hand at the top of the canopy, count to 60, if the back of ur hand is hot it is to will b alright to use hps all the way thru ur grow