General Organics


Active Member
Just curious if you adjust your PH with this line in coco.
here's a quote from a GO rep.

When using the GO line, pH adjustment is not necessary in a biologically active soil or soilless medium. When using Coco, it’s not a bad idea to inoculate with our SubCultures M & B to bolster microbial populations. The biological activity which comes from microbial life within the medium, consumes the food provided by the GO line of products. Once the microbial digestion occurs, exudates from the fungi and bacteria are ingested by the plant in the form of food.

This is different than feeding with traditional hydroponic nutrients, such as our Flora Series. When gardening with mineral based nutrition, pH is the basis for nutrient uptake. This is because the nutrients are ionically charged, and the proper pH is necessary for root absorption of the food. This is also why nutrient strength monitoring (EC/PPM/TDS) is a good idea when using a mineral based nutrient, whether in soil, soilless, or hydroponics.

With your Coco medium, be sure to use the CaMg+. You can safely feed at 2X label recommendations for all products in the GO line, except for the BioWeed and BioBud. They are enhancement products, so be sure to follow label recommendations.

harry larry

Active Member
I am using the full line up, and during heavy doses during flowering I have had problems with the PH dropping to low and causing a lock out of mag and P. So just to warn others that the heavy doses can drop the soils PH if your too aggressive.


Well-Known Member
I am using the full line up, and during heavy doses during flowering I have had problems with the PH dropping to low and causing a lock out of mag and P. So just to warn others that the heavy doses can drop the soils PH if your too aggressive.
If using straight RO water, yes, but if you cut your RO water 80/20 with tap there's no issue.

harry larry

Active Member
No sir wolverine, I use tap water that has a strong buffer. It is 7.4 PH.

I tested the soil with a soil meter at the root mass, and the reading was 5.4, that is too acidic.

So I flushed the soil, did a few foliar sprays and the plants look better. I am keeping an eye on the PH now, as experience has shown that I have to.

Overall I am really pleased with the GO box, it is a great product.


I'm using them currently, and have one finished grow using it. I had great finished quality, and very few issues other than some micronute def's (easily fixed w/ EJ Microblast), though the yield was a bit less than what I can achieve using a chem line. There is a learning curve with all organics, much less a complete line of products. The grow I have going now, which is about three weeks from harvest, is looking phenomenal. Both quality and yield should be outstanding. I should mention that I've been supplementing with Hydroplex and Cal/Mag+ from Botanicare, both at half strength.

I really think I'm starting to like the Bio Bud quite a bit, I'm going to run a couple of control plants and take away the Bio Bud next run and see how they fare. Overall I give it two thumbs up.

Also, I don't use the GO Cal mag because I don't like what it does to pH, so I use Botanicare instead.
Thanks for the reporting, just wondering how your tests sans biobud turned out?


Well-Known Member
I use BioBud and BioCanna Bio Boost at different times. I start flowering with BioBud and switch to BioBoost after flowers have popped. I love each for different reasons and use both. If I'm strapped I don't really worry about it. I think they are molecularly different, but do similar functions. I just like the BioBoost because it is sugar based and seems to really supercharge the system. I don't use it all the time though.


Well-Known Member
I started my plant off with the recommended regular (or light) feeding schedule from the GO veg line (bio-root,thrive, weed and camg+) then when I went into flower I started with the light feeding of bio-thrive bloom, bud and camg+.

I only did that for a week before boosting my nute use to the heavy schedule. I feed every watering on the heavy schedule and my plant loves me to pieces. I did try a few times to reduce the nutes I use by switching to a feed, feed, water schedule but my plant reacted badly to it very quickly. As in I noticed deficiencies within 2 days so now I'm back to a feed every three days schedule using the heavy directions.

My water is distilled, I grow in a homemade soil mix and only feed GO nutes. I use a 250 mh/hps and my plant has 15-20 tops. (LST and chicken wire for height control)

Journal in my sig.