Generating CO2 for unsealed room?


Well-Known Member
That's where the juggling comes in... Sometimes it can take a lot of tweaking b4 you get the balance your looking for. This will be my first run with LED. I've got 18 COBS and my cooling will be passive so I'm not sure what to expect heat wise. I'm pretty much up and running but I pulled the frames down to change up the wiring a bit but I'll go live tomorrow. I have a 4 inch intake to the great outdoors so I guess I have to change that up as well. I think I might have to intake thru the WARM boiler room so I may as well cut the hole as low as I can so if there is any benefit to drawing in the heavier air I'll reap it. IDK much except it's a work in progress. Thanks for some valuable imput guys. Ramble on.


Well-Known Member
That's where the juggling comes in... Sometimes it can take a lot of tweaking b4 you get the balance your looking for. This will be my first run with LED. I've got 18 COBS and my cooling will be passive so I'm not sure what to expect heat wise. I'm pretty much up and running but I pulled the frames down to change up the wiring a bit but I'll go live tomorrow. I have a 4 inch intake to the great outdoors so I guess I have to change that up as well. I think I might have to intake thru the WARM boiler room so I may as well cut the hole as low as I can so if there is any benefit to drawing in the heavier air I'll reap it. IDK much except it's a work in progress. Thanks for some valuable imput guys. Ramble on.
use the boiler room as a lung room,draw the cold air into the boiler room then into grow room then back outside u got speed control on the blowers if not something to think about really helps to balance things out


Well-Known Member
Sup Jay.You know thumper I think I'm going to do just that. Use the boiler room as a lung... I'm going to turn my intake fan into an exhaust fan. I'll pull some cool air from the garage to the boiler room to temper it a bit and then pull the air through my room to the outside. That way I won't be sucking any of the subfreezing NE winter in, potentially shocking the girls and I won't be using the very warm boiler room air to passively cool my lights. I could already be running but I keep changing things up. HaHa. I got around good wire management by hiding them. Ramble On.



make your own wine beer or moonshine ........the mash converting the sugars into alch burp prue Co2 ..........depending on the mash mix u can raise your area co2 ppm for 5 to 9 days with the ending result of 1 or 2 gallons of high proof drinkable stuff that u can resale or gift recovering the money spent on the raw materals to make it

works really well but u need to be auto flowers to really get best benny out of it ......24/0 timing as the mash once it goes it goes untill done no stoping it so flowering techinally u could drown the plant in Co2 during off hours

but rum will get u to 1000ppm easy ....done right with a light negitive pressure u can get it to 1500 2000ppm
hahaha. This is fucking genious!! I love it. now off to do more research...


Well-Known Member
Sup Jay.You know thumper I think I'm going to do just that. Use the boiler room as a lung... I'm going to turn my intake fan into an exhaust fan. I'll pull some cool air from the garage to the boiler room to temper it a bit and then pull the air through my room to the outside. That way I won't be sucking any of the subfreezing NE winter in, potentially shocking the girls and I won't be using the very warm boiler room air to passively cool my lights. I could already be running but I keep changing things up. HaHa. I got around good wire management by hiding them. Ramble On.
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hope that's not cold air intake above ya balest,she might drip alittle lol


New Member
k so all i got is my 5000watt generator lol and i have co2 monitors in my house due to propane fire place and propane stove so i drug the generator in the room put a monitor in ran it for five minutes till monitor started going off i closed both windows in room and plugged bottom of door opinions other than im gonna die lol room is in basement and i opened everything upstairs and have a monitor up here beside me so im safe no worries i know about dying like that