Generic Mycorrhizal or Name Brand?


Well-Known Member
i bought mendogrow last time 1lbs for $30 then this time I got some random unnamned unlabeled one 2lbs for $30 and it just looks and smells like fine powdered fluffy dirt! Light tan color. Last stuff smelled like ovaltine.

Should I stick strictly to Great White or Other name Brands? What do you all think!?

And how is it made?!
It's not made, it's grown on actual roots and there are only like 3-5 companies that are actually growing the stuff. It's then sold in bulk and repackaged into whatever *brand*. They are all pretty much generic, just different labels and packaging AND pricing.

The cheapest is pretty much the same as the most expensive. Don't pay extra for ad hype.

I buy mine from Great place that specializes in fungus. I always ask a specialist lol
Nice thanks
It's not made, it's grown on actual roots and there are only like 3-5 companies that are actually growing the stuff. It's then sold in bulk and repackaged into whatever *brand*. They are all pretty much generic, just different labels and packaging AND pricing.

The cheapest is pretty much the same as the most expensive. Don't pay extra for ad hype.

to a degree but look at the ingredient list compared to Great White here
And Oreganism XL
And then fungi mycogrow here

They all have pretty different ingeredients. Great White definitely has the most while MycoGrow Endo Ecto seed mix has a pretty good amount of Endo and Ecto that great white has but does Not have the bacteria or tricederma or whatever...

The Oreganism is pretty close With bacteria but not All the same Endo Ecto.

So basically I think I Am going to spend the money on Great White! I'm At Least doing a side by side and then deciding.! There Has to be a difference that's why it's so expensive!

Nice thanks

to a degree but look at the ingredient list compared to Great White here
And Oreganism XL
And then fungi mycogrow here

They all have pretty different ingeredients. Great White definitely has the most while MycoGrow Endo Ecto seed mix has a pretty good amount of Endo and Ecto that great white has but does Not have the bacteria or tricederma or whatever...

The Oreganism is pretty close With bacteria but not All the same Endo Ecto.

So basically I think I Am going to spend the money on Great White! I'm At Least doing a side by side and then deciding.! There Has to be a difference that's why it's so expensive!

Ive tried side by sides with Extreme mycos and Azoz, and great white. each by theirselves applyied at trasnplat directly to root. and in conjunction with each other. My personal favoite combo is Xtreme mycos. granulars sprinkled underneith root ball, with great white water solution sprayed dircted to rootball. these two products worked WONDERS compared to just azoz or mycos alone.

Does anyone use these products globally in soil production? i never did because i heard they are useless unless direct root contact is made within days. But doesnt promix and most Peat products come with some sort of fungal content built in?
It's stupid easy to grow yer own and I do it every year. Just takes some time.

Alliums (onions, garlic, leeks, etc.), have a very strong affinity for mycos and vice versa.

What *I* do is, every fall make up 6-8 cf of fresh mix, or however much I might need for next year. This goes into 5 gal buckets with 4-5 cloves of "Music" and "Georgian Fire" garlic inoculated with MycoGrow Soluble. Then overwintered and harvested early the next summer. Plant on Halloween, harvest on the 4th of July, is the general rule of thumb. The roots are chopped up and added back to the mix. The entire batch of soil is inoculated.

Another way is to inoculate Leek roots, grow for however long, dig up, harvest 1/2 - 3/4 of the roots and replant the leeks. Use the cut roots to inoculate mix or plants. The Rodale Institute has the info on this method.

I mean, this stuff occurs naturally and spreads naturally from spores when the myco's fruit (mushrooms). Man has just very recently got involved. Myco's have been around for eons.

The only true way to tell if it works is to grow side by side and look at root balls in the end grease monkey Mann uses it as well amd I believe he says there is a difference but could not say personally myself
It's stupid easy to grow yer own and I do it every year. Just takes some time.

Alliums (onions, garlic, leeks, etc.), have a very strong affinity for mycos and vice versa.

What *I* do is, every fall make up 6-8 cf of fresh mix, or however much I might need for next year. This goes into 5 gal buckets with 4-5 cloves of "Music" and "Georgian Fire" garlic inoculated with MycoGrow Soluble. Then overwintered and harvested early the next summer. Plant on Halloween, harvest on the 4th of July, is the general rule of thumb. The roots are chopped up and added back to the mix. The entire batch of soil is inoculated.

Another way is to inoculate Leek roots, grow for however long, dig up, harvest 1/2 - 3/4 of the roots and replant the leeks. Use the cut roots to inoculate mix or plants. The Rodale Institute has the info on this method.

I mean, this stuff occurs naturally and spreads naturally from spores when the myco's fruit (mushrooms). Man has just very recently got involved. Myco's have been around for eons.

Awesome thanks! I have a bunch of Chesnok Red garlic actually!
Lol! No! I was saying I'm also using the extreme gardening mykos. ;)

Hat trick = three goals in hockey,
Playmaker = three assists.

Ohhhh hahaha! I was like how do you even order it what is that currency!

I had no idea about hat trick and playmaker
Ive tried side by sides with Extreme mycos and Azoz, and great white. each by theirselves applyied at trasnplat directly to root. and in conjunction with each other. My personal favoite combo is Xtreme mycos. granulars sprinkled underneith root ball, with great white water solution sprayed dircted to rootball. these two products worked WONDERS compared to just azoz or mycos alone.

Does anyone use these products globally in soil production? i never did because i heard they are useless unless direct root contact is made within days. But doesnt promix and most Peat products come with some sort of fungal content built in?
I buy the low-end Promix and add my own Xtreme mykos as well as additional perlite and lime and save $$$$ over their high-end product.
I use the soluble and granular versions of the DTE "soluble growth enhancer" with the greenish label and I also use the DTE "granular root zone with benes"... Granular for transplants and soluble for once in awhile watered in throughout the grow cycle... especially 3 or so weeks into flower...

I can only say good things about the products, but their shipping costs are beyond the realm of reasonable... I really dont understand why its so expensive... but again, I paid them once for the products and if the shipping didnt make a reasonable price unreasonable, I would keep purchasing the product, but I will be buying from somewhere else next time...
I use the soluble and granular versions of the DTE "soluble growth enhancer" with the greenish label and I also use the DTE "granular root zone with benes"... Granular for transplants and soluble for once in awhile watered in throughout the grow cycle... especially 3 or so weeks into flower...

I can only say good things about the products, but their shipping costs are beyond the realm of reasonable... I really dont understand why its so expensive... but again, I paid them once for the products and if the shipping didnt make a reasonable price unreasonable, I would keep purchasing the product, but I will be buying from somewhere else next time...

Say, don't mean to be argumentative, but I've been doing business there for many years and don't think I ever got overcharged for anything, especially shipping... in fact they are the only people that ever refunded me for shipping charges (without asking) if they could send it by a better method. You should give them a call (ask for Dave or Debi) and see if they can organize a better method for you.