Genesee County Compassion Club

I used to go up there when it first started kicking. Havent been there since they expanded. Years ago. The smoke up there was iffy at best. Most of it was poorly grown. The good good was rare and went quick. Lowballers galore. At least this is how it was a few years back. A few people made nice bucks up there. They had really well grown and well cured trimmed buds. Most had popcorn bone dry dusty bullshit.
I used to go up there when it first started kicking. Havent been there since they expanded. Years ago. The smoke up there was iffy at best. Most of it was poorly grown. The good good was rare and went quick. Lowballers galore. At least this is how it was a few years back. A few people made nice bucks up there. They had really well grown and well cured trimmed buds. Most had popcorn bone dry dusty bullshit.
Then that's not a good analysis then if it's been that long. Wait nothing has really changed, I think their stuck in a time warp of OG#18, Holy Grail, Permafrost, sour diesel and confidential cheese. I made a trip just recently and everything the same and getting cheaper

Kush is My Cologne
When is the best time to go up there? For a patient looking for great meds or donating great meds.
Don't worry about the haters, some haven't even been there and talk smack just because their life is too boring for anything else.
Maybe they can tell you another club that offers what the G3C does, testing, classes, ect. O wait they are the only ones "in the State of Michigan" is that big or good enough for ya. Prolly not, just a bunch of Detroit know it all pot snobs still stuck in a time warp

Kush is My Cologne
What on earth would entice a grower who grows flame to show up to a place that vends garbage, only to be Lowballer by Jack and Jill poor ass patient? I know for a fact, the nurse grows some super flame as well as all his crew. Hence the reason why he, I and many others haven't bothered to subject ourselves to that situation. It doesn't pay to sit there with quality flowers only to have the discounters (polite word for cheap asses) but the 140.00 zip dusty non cured garbage.

Just my $.04

And DON'T drink the water.
People have a choice to buy or not to buy. Yea I agree the quality is kinda not there and I believe they are all stuck in a time warp. Nothing new strain wise that is.

Kush is My Cologne
So if one was to bring better meds and they warranted a higher price, then one would be able to make some money there right?

I keep reading it's garbage med for garbage prices...seems about right for garbage but what happens when real meds come through?

Tell me more about the classes and testing they offer. Have some friends that could use some classes and I could use some testing, depending on price since I live 3 mins from IRON LABS :)
I havent been thsre in awhile but friends and family go up there often. There is really good smoke up there, ok smoke, middies, and basement bunkaroo. The good good goes quick. Your not going to get much more than 7 to 10$ a gram no matter what you got. Bring a cooler of sodas or something. Be kind and blend in. And donate more than what they ask for a table and your in. Make friends with the cats that run the show and you will make some coin. At least this was how it was when i went there years back.
They used to frown on carpet baggers that just walk in and walk out with a stack. They want you to ba a part of the "cause".....whatever that means. But be cool with bow it works up there and you can do quite well. Have fun!!!
Don't worry about the haters, some haven't even been there and talk smack just because their life is too boring for anything else.
Maybe they can tell you another club that offers what the G3C does, testing, classes, ect. O wait they are the only ones "in the State of Michigan" is that big or good enough for ya. Prolly not, just a bunch of Detroit know it all pot snobs still stuck in a time warp

Kush is My Cologne
Wow...where u at maman? I aint no pot snob... an im near the d... i went on this thread to check these guys out... not shot them down... what experience do you have directly with "gc3" classes? Which ones? Strain availability? Strain choices? Hows their intake team? Is their storefront "care center" clean tidy well organized? Do they offer beans, clones, etc etc Do you have grow experience with any of their strains?
Wow...where u at maman? I aint no pot snob... an im near the d... i went on this thread to check these guys out... not shot them down... what experience do you have directly with "gc3" classes? Which ones? Strain availability? Strain choices? Hows their intake team? Is their storefront "care center" clean tidy well organized? Do they offer beans, clones, etc etc Do you have grow experience with any of their strains?
Michigans First safe transfer area and it's not a dispensary and they have many flavors of coffee

Kush is My Cologne