Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever

Why not. We fuck with everything else. What's left to fiddle with but our own genetics.

I for one wouldn't mind removing a few traits from my blueprints. For example: balding can fuck right off. Metabolism can take a kick up the arse. Adhd can go eat shit. And being fekkin short can take a long walk off a short pier.
Why not. We fuck with everything else. What's left to fiddle with but our own genetics.

I for one wouldn't mind removing a few traits from my blueprints. For example: balding can fuck right off. Metabolism can take a kick up the arse. Adhd can go eat shit. And being fekkin short can take a long walk off a short pier.
Didn't the nazis have the same idea? Have you ever read brave new world?
Yeah. But that was through a brutally enforced eradication of certain traits. I'm not talking about genocide. Rather a selection of good traits to be enforced.

Fuck. If I could rebuild my genome with what I wanted in there. Rather than the potluck of random combinations that is me. You bet your ass I'd do it.
Yeah. But that was through a brutally enforced eradication of certain traits. I'm not talking about genocide. Rather a selection of good traits to be enforced.

Fuck. If I could rebuild my genome with what I wanted in there. Rather than the potluck of random combinations that is me. You bet your ass I'd do it.
I would only use it to eradicate genetic diseases any further would just push the line
We allready do this. Hot girl picks attractive guy. Or one that's smart and makes mula..

my pit x chihuahua is pretty cool.

My irradiated citrus creating the ruby grapefruit...

Might as well just speed the proceas
Why not. We fuck with everything else. What's left to fiddle with but our own genetics.

I for one wouldn't mind removing a few traits from my blueprints. For example: balding can fuck right off. Metabolism can take a kick up the arse. Adhd can go eat shit. And being fekkin short can take a long walk off a short pier.
Damn. I'm sorry man. I would donate $ towards your genetic restructuring.
If the option was available, there would be no reason I can think of not to do it and "playing God" is a fundamentally flawed argument against it

If we have the ability to defeat HIV/AIDS, cancer, heart disease and all the rest, someone's objection based on their religion would mean literally nothing to me. If you don't want to do it, don't do it, but you don't get to tell me I can't do it because it would offend you or your God, that is total and complete nonsense, and monumentally selfish
I don't quite understand the whole Nekonation thing. I get liking big boobies. But what's with chicks that are part cat?
That just makes me think you'd secretly screw the brains out of a cat.

I'm going to have to agree with @Padawanbater2 here. The God argument is irrelevant. There's no logical reason to listen to the blatherings of god fearing people. We are the masters of our own fate. Not some insecure, hateful skydaddy.
I don't quite understand the whole Nekonation thing. I get liking big boobies. But what's with chicks that are part cat?
That just makes me think you'd secretly screw the brains out of a cat.

I'm going to have to agree with @Padawanbater2 here. The God argument is irrelevant. There's no logical reason to listen to the blatherings of god fearing people. We are the masters of our own fate. Not some insecure, hateful skydaddy.
Just believe we should cure desease not create an Arian race.
Hell no. I'm not talking Aryan races. Mainly fixing what's fucked... And for the few who hate their mixed bag of shit genetics. Offer up some fixes for their issues.
I support genetic engineering just because I'm a mad scientist at heart. People will probably try to patent the results though and life will become a purchase instead of a natural thing. Monsanto has already done this with food and continues to sue farmers for unintentionally growing their product.