Everyone knows how Monsanto corporation controls the worlds seed stock now right ? well if you dont watch Food Inc. for the long version short version is paraphrased in point, Think about this, Cannabis one day in say the next 100 years or so may be the ONLY source of non genetically modified food on the planet,I say this because 150 years or so ago humans consumed over 135,000 varities of food sources, present day we consume about 35,000,
Monsanto corporation has been genetically modifying soybeans and wheat with a kill gene, this kill gene makes it so the seed from the crop is sterile and will not germinate forcing the farmer to purchase seeds from the evil bastard Monsanto. This is significant because no man should be allowed to lay patent to something a "god" created or even if by evolution, we still have no right to own something as divine as life, agree? if not PTHHHH JOG ON!!!
My question is this
If cannabis is the super producing food/fuel/goods plant we all know it to be, how long do you think it will be before the corporations who fought so hard to outlaw us from growing this miracle plant will try to put kill genes into one of the last great sources of almost every consumable by human good i:e: food/ fuel / medication / oils / and the list goes on, Do we quietly keep our own seed stock and have our own doomsday vault which is being funded and built by none other than Monsanto/Bill Gates and by proxy a slew of chemical/fertilizer companies who stand to gain over the next 100 years of round-up ready bullshit food...i need a break Im getting pissed....
Monsanto corporation has been genetically modifying soybeans and wheat with a kill gene, this kill gene makes it so the seed from the crop is sterile and will not germinate forcing the farmer to purchase seeds from the evil bastard Monsanto. This is significant because no man should be allowed to lay patent to something a "god" created or even if by evolution, we still have no right to own something as divine as life, agree? if not PTHHHH JOG ON!!!
My question is this
If cannabis is the super producing food/fuel/goods plant we all know it to be, how long do you think it will be before the corporations who fought so hard to outlaw us from growing this miracle plant will try to put kill genes into one of the last great sources of almost every consumable by human good i:e: food/ fuel / medication / oils / and the list goes on, Do we quietly keep our own seed stock and have our own doomsday vault which is being funded and built by none other than Monsanto/Bill Gates and by proxy a slew of chemical/fertilizer companies who stand to gain over the next 100 years of round-up ready bullshit food...i need a break Im getting pissed....