
You have to realize the world we all come from just 10 years ago most of us were "criminals". Even though things are legal now is still all a big grey area in with the top guys come from those times before everything was so peachy. Like it or not a lot of people are not going to talk to you over the phone or Internet without at least meeting you first something you should take into account before you start a thread bashing some one who is doing great things for the industry. Providing elite clones to the masses for more the reasonable prices what more could you ask for. When people were trying to sell gg4 for 500 a pop they started giving it away
I think it's important to realize there were other places doing this also. Great Lakes genetics was one of them giving out free GG4 before just about anyone else that I saw.

Not trying to minimize their efforts, just think that saying they're doing this for patients is a little disingenuous in my opinion. They're a business that sells things to make money, they're not a charity case.
I think it's important to realize there were other places doing this also. Great Lakes genetics was one of them giving out free GG4 before just about anyone else that I saw.

Not trying to minimize their efforts, just think that saying they're doing this for patients is a little disingenuous in my opinion. They're a business that sells things to make money, they're not a charity case.
They are definitely in it to make money but in a way that's not talking advantage of people. They give out cbd cuts too, the highest price you will see on something is 50. i genuinely think they are good people
Genotype is good people and good genetics. Most places won't even answer any questions over the phone or email and just want you to come in person due to the legal climate we're in. Starting a post on here to cry about things isn't going to help your situation....
Know someone that is in need of good genetics (strong) due to an medical condition and read they had medical quality.
Look right there, you're admitting you were attempting to obtain genetics for another party. That was your first mistake.

Genotypea2 came off as "eff you for sending a patient inquiry... eff you so much you are rejected from a membership".
Enough with the bullshit paraphrasing mr. phony bologna. Terse is one thing but telling someone to fxckoff is another. You must have been pretty upset at yourself to go out of your way to libel a company because your bumbling butt eventually got the cold shoulder.

Stop implying anyone told you to fxckoff if they didn't. In fact, put-up or shut-up; Let's see precise screen shots of these supposed insults. You're the one who screwed up and became a whining ninny, all the while exaggerating your position.
Starting a post on here to cry about things isn't going to help your situation....

Definitely agree with this. You don't like their attitude then just find another place. There are many, many dispensaries or places you can go to get clones.

I don't agree with the part about no one answering questions over the phone though. Just about every place I've called has been exponentially more helpful than genotypeA2, but then again im sure there are plenty examples other businesses handling it the same way Genotype does.

Their genetics are good though from what I've seen. I have friends who are also happy with their purchases as well. I'm growing their ghost OG right now and it's shaping up to be some chronic:fire:
@QualityCoffee Just move on, GenotypeA is not the only game in town. If you don't trust them now, would you trust their genetics are bug, mold and disease free? Trust is paramount with caregiver services ...
Last edited: their genetics are bug, mold and disease free?
I've been a patron since their inception and have never once seen mention of pests or the like. Not Once.
I read about Genotypea2 from a few of you reputable folks here in the forums. So I thought hey why not give them a ring... nope no phone number.

Okay okay how about I send them a FB message ... days go by no response.

No worries I'll send a email... no response

Okay okay okay I'll send one more... short terse response "Open Sat & Sun 12-7"

Ummm bro's that was not the question in my email not to mention sending a un polite email is very unprofessional and speaks to a businesses integrity (ie: shows how they conduct business)

I responded politely with the couple of questions I had as they never even said where they are located or any info that could be helpful from someone that could be hours away.

Genotypea2 came off as eff you for sending a patient inquiry... eff you so much you are rejected from a membership.

I read the email a few times this morning to make sure I read it right and each time the lack of professionalism and simple terse angry responses shocked me as how can they be about patients / compassion when they treat potential clients very poorly for a simple polite inquiry.

Know someone that is in need of good genetics (strong) due to an medical condition and read they had medical quality.

I digress.. TIL not every (medical) place is professional and or polite (most are). No worries... I wish them the best.

One or two of them used to be members of this forum. I found them to be dicks from my interactions with them on here. I've gone up to the place a handful of times since then, and in person every last one of them were cool cats and easy to deal with. I'd just make a trip up there and see what they have. They post a menu on their facebook page every weekend so you'll know what they have available ahead of time. I'd recommend getting there right when they open as they can/do sell out of certain strains quickly.
I've been a patron since their inception and have never once seen mention of pests or the like. Not Once.

As you know I was one of their first members, we joined together remember? I was not insinuating that there are any bug, mold or disease issues there. My point was to the importance of a caregiver trust relationship in general. Then again, I wouldn't go as far as stating "Not Once" either. One must always take precautions when taking in new genetics regardless of from whom they came ...
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As you know I was one of their first members, we joined together remember? I was not insinuating that there are any bug, mold or disease issues there. My point was to the importance of a caregiver trust relationship in general. Then again, I wouldn't go as far as stating "Not Once" either. One must always take precautions when taking in new genetics regardless of from whom they came ...
Hell Yea, i remember that visit on opening day with you and homey quite vividly. I still have some NL seeds gifted to me from that day, from homeless beans! Mongolian bbq was primo too. I'm ready to go back dude. I enjoyed our visit..

I'm just saying, out of many many visits to genotype, I've never had a single problem w pests, nor read about one, at least on this site. I guess you interjected the concept of quarantine-always to be on the safe side, and with that I'd agree.

Perhaps I was somewhat harsh addressing the 'quality coffee' entity, but for all I know he's a competitor troll being a pita. I'm positive nobody at genotype called him a name in email, or risked anyone's private medical information. Yes, trust is always paramount in business, indeed it is.

Now if someone could tell me how our friend rare d. mi-rep is doing, that would be nice. :D
All the people working at Genotype have always been cool to me, never a bad experience. If you feel differently maybe it's your vibes or your attitude that's getting you those responses.
Not to mention all the questions @QualityCoffee needed answered are on their site. Time of operation, address and he claimed to be needing 'strong' meds well they publish a weekly menu with thc % cbd % like seriously what more did you need?