• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

George bush...


Active Member
How's that work?
Who works the hardest? Who is the backbone of your country that keeps you in supply of your private jets and your 1st class habits? If the poor revolt, quite frankly, the rich are fucked. We could take our country back any time we want to. That's right, by declaring your patriotism to a false democracy you are denying the poor of their right to a decent, honest life. You turn the poor into criminals, and make drugs illegal... One day everyone is just going to get pissed off with the bullshit and revolt... Money will mean nothing then.


New Member
Who works the hardest? Who is the backbone of your country that keeps you in supply of your private jets and your 1st class habits? If the poor revolt, quite frankly, the rich are fucked. We could take our country back any time we want to. That's right, by declaring your patriotism to a false democracy you are denying the poor of their right to a decent, honest life. You turn the poor into criminals, and make drugs illegal... One day everyone is just going to get pissed off with the bullshit and revolt... Money will mean nothing then.
Who works the hardest?

Are you under the impression that "hard" work brings wealth?

Who's the backbone of the country?

I'd say those who save, invest and create capital. That capital is what opens businesses, creates products and provides jobs. The "business" of America is business.

"The poor are being denied their right to a "decent, honest life?"

I'll believe you just as soon as you show me the law that places anyone in America into a caste system. Poor is temporary in a free market society ... poverty is a state of mind.

"We turn the poor into criminals?"

How's that work?

"We make drugs illegal?"

Should Meth and Crack be legal?

"One day the poor will revolt?"

How many Cobra Helicopters do "the poor" own?



New Member
Who works the hardest?

Are you under the impression that "hard" work brings wealth?

Who's the backbone of the country?

I'd say those who save, invest and create capital. That capital is what opens businesses, creates products and provides jobs. The "business" of America is business.

"The poor are being denied their right to a "decent, honest life?"

I'll believe you just as soon as you show me the law that places anyone in America into a caste system. Poor is temporary in a free market society ... poverty is a state of mind.

"We turn the poor into criminals?"

How's that work?

"We make drugs illegal?"

Should Meth and Crack be legal?

"One day the poor will revolt?"

How many Cobra Helicopters do "the poor" own?

Have you gotten your cobra yet? Well if not, when the shit comes down, you might want to duck. There will be millions of us with sniper rifles hiding in the bushes and the cops will be home protecting their own. You ever seen what a 7MM mag does to a human head, ~LOL~, it explodes like a watermelon. At least you'll never know what hit you. BTW this is not a threat, just a possible scenario.


Active Member
of course crak and meth should be legal... not just legal but freely available. If people want to kill themselves then that is surely up to them.

It is the rich that have made these rules/laws to protect themselves from the poor. You may not see the divide, but the poor certainly do.

chaos is coming... whether the weather brings it, or there is a revolution... it is coming.


Well-Known Member

Thanks guys, I'm out............
i thought you were out?

you voted for bush the second time around, and now your thinking about voting for nader....sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders (pfft)

when asking for some type of universal health care system i am not asking to be carried on the back of middle class workers, and im not for huge government social programs that lose our cash to the money grubbing hands of the politicians - BUT - Our healthcare system is obviously suffering, we obviously have a dismal healthcare system in comparison to the rest of the world, and health care is obviously not given to people who deserve it ( injured soldiers for example), so obviously there needs to be some type of change in the system.

The fact that we pay ridiculous amounts of money for what should be inexpensive health care and treatment in the first place, is bullshit - and the prices are so high because everyone in the medical field has to consistently cover their asses.

You shouldnt have to battle an insurance company for healthcare - and thats what this arguement is all about. I agree that a free market can offer anything better than the government can- including medical care - IN THEORY, but obviously our system is fucked

when somethings fucked up , you change it
and it doesn't sound like you have a better option than something government based

in response to your two back to back threads regarding my last post - about attempting to hold the government accountable:

How does my arguement fall apart when i say that we can at least attempt to hold the government accountable.

clearly i inserted the word ATTEMPT for a reason. I understand that its not easy to hold the government accountable in todays day and age - but you cant do JACK SHIT to hold the insurance companies accountable.

they will sit their and count your payment waiting for you to die so they dont have to pay up - and thats not only un-american, its fucking sick and inhuman


Well-Known Member
Viva la Revolucion!

im down. lets get a new system of money going. fuck the fed reserve!!!!

i thought you were out?

you voted for bush the second time around, and now your thinking about voting for nader....sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders (pfft)

hehe :mrgreen:

when asking for some type of universal health care system i am not asking to be carried on the back of middle class workers, and im not for huge government social programs that lose our cash to the money grubbing hands of the politicians - BUT - Our healthcare system is obviously suffering, we obviously have a dismal healthcare system in comparison to the rest of the world, and health care is obviously not given to people who deserve it ( injured soldiers for example), so obviously there needs to be some type of change in the system.

The fact that we pay ridiculous amounts of money for what should be inexpensive health care and treatment in the first place, is bullshit - and the prices are so high because everyone in the medical field has to consistently cover their asses.

You shouldnt have to battle an insurance company for healthcare - and thats what this arguement is all about. I agree that a free market can offer anything better than the government can- including medical care - IN THEORY, but obviously our system is fucked

when somethings fucked up , you change it
and it doesn't sound like you have a better option than something government based

in response to your two back to back threads regarding my last post - about attempting to hold the government accountable:

How does my arguement fall apart when i say that we can at least attempt to hold the government accountable.

clearly i inserted the word ATTEMPT for a reason. I understand that its not easy to hold the government accountable in todays day and age - but you cant do JACK SHIT to hold the insurance companies accountable.

they will sit their and count your payment waiting for you to die so they dont have to pay up - and thats not only un-american, its fucking sick and inhuman
well said bro

. i think the most important thing we can do is take care of our own citizens. screw unneeded made up terrorist wars, screw space exploration, screw all the unjust places the government puts our money when we should be concerned with domestics first.

help people get jobs, create jobs, and take care of the peoples health that have been paying into the system. i could go on but ill refrain for now..



New Member
I see you guys (Justik and Wetard) get it. It's about taking care of Americans first. Fuck funding rich mens wars. I don't know what it will take to Get-er-done, but we all need to try and find a better way. I'm hoping that is what Obama will bring to the table. We know that McCain is just 4-8 more years of Bushmania.


New Member
Let's see ... Government has us 58 TRILLION in debt. Government has stolen the entire Social Security trust fund. Medicare will go broke in a few years. Katrina was a freaking disaster. Federal employees have excellent retirement benefits ... far different from the "Little People." Government has blown 500 Billion on the Iraq War. Government throws sick, little old ladies in jail for buying medical cannabis.

Yes ... let's turn over our entire medical system to the government to run. Should be entertaining .... unless you're sick.



New Member
Let's see ... Government has us 58 TRILLION in debt. Government has stolen the entire Social Security trust fund. Medicare will go broke in a few years. Katrina was a freaking disaster. Federal employees have excellent retirement benefits ... far different from the "Little People." Government has blown 500 Billion on the Iraq War. Government throws sick, little old ladies in jail for buying medical cannabis.

Yes ... let's turn over our entire medical system to the government to run. Should be entertaining .... unless you're sick.

HaHaHAHeHeHeHoHoHo~lol~, you really know how to turn a phrase. What do you propose to replace Government with???


Well-Known Member
What do you propose to replace Government with???
how about replacing government with people. government is nothing but a tool, a tool that too easily gets out of control. it starts with the people using government to avoid having to make all of the decisions that keep a society running and it ends with the government using people to justify its own existence and pay for its many mistakes. maybe it's about time that the people took back control over their own destinies. all it takes is personal responsibility.

we have the technology to communicate all of the necessary information, we have the ability to educate the population, all we seem to lack is the will. it's about time we accepted that our democracy is a lie we tell ourselves to assuage our own guilt over the fact that we are too scared, too lazy or too confused to grow up and cut the apron strings. our pathetic apathy leads us to believe that we need mommy and daddy to help us make it through this life, it has made a race of sheep out of one of the greatest and most intelligent predatory species ever to roam this earth.


Well-Known Member
im not down for anarchy myself.....:-|

a revolution...... maybe:mrgreen:

i have a question for anyone to answer-----

how are we supposed to get out of debt besides taking money from other countries????

any money we get from the "federal" "reserve" is that PLUS interest....

i dont see of a conceivable way that we can possibly get out of debt when we have to pay off our debt with the same monies that are also lent out WITH INTEREST!!!!!

maybe we need to sell off lots of natural resources to the fed????:confused:

Zeitgeist - The Movie

^^^^start watching at 40 mins or so^^^^^



Well-Known Member
MONEY is DEBT, the economy and how it works is very confusing, it really doesnt make sense to me...but Im no economist


Well-Known Member
i'm not down for anarchy myself.....:-|

a revolution...... maybe:mrgreen:
a revolution to what end? to reinstate the same tired cycle of abuse and corruption? maybe just a revolution to make ourselves feel as if we have actually done something. though i have nothing against the violent overthrow of this oppressive bureaucracy, shouldn't there be some goal in mind? perhaps we should replace our present system with the equally oppressive ideals of those who have warped marxist theory to suit their own totalitarian dreams. better to free the capitalist systems of the heavy hand of governmental interference and allow them to evolve into something better.


Well-Known Member
better to free the capitalist systems of the heavy hand of governmental interference and allow them to evolve into something better.
thats the goal brother.. i would like a for our country to be as the declaration states...

i would like for our country to get rid of the fed- we need a interest free money system!!

" better to free the capitalist systems of the heavy hand of governmental interference and allow them to evolve into something better."

^^^^ you have any ideas?^^^^


New Member
Freedom and liberty. :blsmoke:

HAhaha, big fucking words. I see you don't understand a fucking thing. You're a dreamer like all retards that think you can just wish government away and we'll all live in this nirvana where everything is just cozy. Someone has to take out the garbage.