George Zimmerman rescues man from over turned truck


Staff member
most likely or maybe his guilt for murdering someone has consumed him so much that he wants to become a better person and save people, and give back to the needy, and stuff


Well-Known Member
most likely or maybe his guilt for murdering someone has consumed him so much that he wants to become a better person and save people, and give back to the needy, and stuff
I'm sure he does in fact have guilt over what he did, or had to do. A persons character is shown when moments like this count.


Well-Known Member
I think he should be charged with interfering with a police matter. He should have stayed in his car and let the police and firefighters handle it.
I'm sure that statement will arise at some point. I'm not positive of the race of the person he helped save, but I am hoping it was a black person, that would be priceless. :lol:

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I'm sure that statement will arise at some point. I'm not positive of the race of the person he helped save, but I am hoping it was a black person, that would be priceless. :lol:
The article I read said it was four people, two parents and two children, nothing about race mentioned.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The father he saved should've said, "fuck you, cracker, this is for trayvon!" Then shot Zimmy, dead, and poured a 40 on his face.


Well-Known Member
The article I read said it was four people, two parents and two children, nothing about race mentioned.
Yea, here is a better article:

It apparently happened on the 17th, at around 5:45pm.. I'm looking for the police report. Kinda funny though, cause on the Sandford Police website there is only one portion of accidents on that date and none of them show this accident.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Lori Tankel must die. Her phone number is only one digit off from George Zimmerman. It is only justice.

"An indication of the animosity toward Zimmerman is the number of threatening phone calls being received by a woman in Winter Park, Fla.

Lori Tankel told that someone had incorrectly posted her cell phone number online thinking it was Zimmerman's. She said she started receiving threatening calls within an hour after the jury had reached a verdict on July 13.

"They were saying things like, 'Zimmerman? Is this George? We're going to get you, we're going to kill you,'" she said.

Her cell phone number is only one digit off from Zimmerman's, she said. "


Well-Known Member
Lori Tankel must die. Her phone number is only one digit off from George Zimmerman. It is only justice.

"An indication of the animosity toward Zimmerman is the number of threatening phone calls being received by a woman in Winter Park, Fla.

Lori Tankel told that someone had incorrectly posted her cell phone number online thinking it was Zimmerman's. She said she started receiving threatening calls within an hour after the jury had reached a verdict on July 13.

"They were saying things like, 'Zimmerman? Is this George? We're going to get you, we're going to kill you,'" she said.

Her cell phone number is only one digit off from Zimmerman's, she said. "
I read about that also, quite ridiculous. I would be saving and reporting every single one of those phone calls that came in.


Active Member
I read about that also, quite ridiculous. I would be saving and reporting every single one of those phone calls that came in.
why would you need to? isn't the government recording and collecting them anyways. Seems like they could just start rounding people up for death threats..... i think that is still illegal, but maybe not when directed toward some who "identifies as hispanic".


Well-Known Member
why would you need to? isn't the government recording and collecting them anyways. Seems like they could just start rounding people up for death threats..... i think that is still illegal, but maybe not when directed toward some who "identifies as hispanic".
Didn't you know that death threats are only valid if its a white person making the threat?


Well-Known Member
The whole story hasn't been released as of yet.

After rescuing the driver, Zim noticed (profiled) he was black, set him down and creeped around the wrecked car so he could "stalk" him. He then proceeded to self inflict multiple lacerations on his own head by slamming it into the street. Zim then rolled the unconscious driver on top of him, called 911, started screaming for help and eventually fired a single shot into his assailants chest.

At least, that's what I heard on MSNBC.


Well-Known Member
The whole story hasn't been released as of yet.

After rescuing the driver, Zim noticed (profiled) he was black, set him down and creeped around the wrecked car so he could "stalk" him. He then proceeded to self inflict multiple lacerations on his own head by slamming it into the street. Zim then rolled the unconscious driver on top of him, called 911, started screaming for help and eventually fired a single shot into his assailants chest.

At least, that's what I heard on MSNBC.
But before he did this, he raped the unconscious wife in the ass all while punching the 2 kids in the face while they dangle from their safety belts.
I know this to be true because UncleBuck told me so.