germ question from a newbie


Well-Known Member
okay i have 9 female seeds that i have placed in the papertowel method today. I have two plates over them, and they are kept in the closet. do they need heat? a firend of mine told me to place them on the cable box and they will pop in a few days he said. Has anyone tried that? does the germaintion stage need heat of some sort?


Active Member
Yes... just a little warmer then room temp, with no direct light. I stuck 3 seeds on my satellite reciever/cable box using the same method as you just yesterday... this afternoon they had already popped open and had a 1/4" tail. Now planted and waiting...


Well-Known Member
I usually put my seeds in the top of my closet just because its a bit warmer on top. Cable boxes and stuff like that work very well also. Just keep them moist, in the dark and warm. Are you prepared to grow 9 plants? That can be quite a chore.


Well-Known Member
^^^^same thing he said

u should have staggered it a little so if sum goes wrong u still have more seeds
too late ..........all i have to say is good luck with the wonderful , stressful at times journy that lies ahead


Active Member
yup I use my cable box when I germ.. some strains require heat to germ others don't but it's always better to keep them warm.