Germinate PETA pucks.

Jiffy Pucks are the only thing I've ever sprouted beans in. I drop them in a bowl of water and let them expand, then gently squeeze until water isn't dropping. Pop the seed about 1/4" deep pointed side down, and she'll pop in a couple days :blsmoke: About 2 days after breaking soil I usually notice some roots at the bottom of the puck. Then I'll place them into their first pot of soil, usually around the size of a solo cup.
Where do you store them after I have no dome. Any suggestions

I store them in a ziploc bag to retain some moisture. I've kept em there for a year before. Just give a quick soak before you use em.

to clear up any further confusion. I soak the rapid rooter for 30 sec or so, then drop the seed in. The seeds are not soaked or anything prior. I only keep a dome (you could use a plastic cup or bag) for the first 24 hours, once the seedling breaks ground the dome comes off.
I don't see the point of PETA PUCKS. Just get your veg room climate right and put the seed right where you want it to grow. lol

On second thought, most people don't have that control over their rooms... so maybe the puck is a good idea!
Nothing wrong with throwing a seed right in dirt :blsmoke: What I like best about them, is if they get a little leggy, I can bury the puck down deep enough where the first leaves are just above soil :mrgreen: