

whats the best or easiest way to germinate never done it before always had clones but wanna try it lol

The Weedster

Active Member
The best way Ive ever done it was by just planting it an inch deep in soil and just making sure the soil stays very moist until the plant surfaces... Others have diff ways but I always found that to be best for me.... wait about 3 - 4 days sometimes 5 ....

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
whats the best or easiest way to germinate never done it before always had clones but wanna try it lol
...just plant the seed 1/4 inch down into some light soil, or a soilless mix with no fertilizers. Moisten the soil with filtered water.... Once you see a sprout (2-4 days) put them under's that easy.


Active Member
I put the seed in between two warm moist paper towels in a rubber made container for 1-2 days in a warm dark area covered and have 100% success

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...I believe your suppose to presoak those rockwool cube for a couple hours in water that is pH'd to 5.0 before you use it.