Germinated seed?


i have a seed that I put in a wet paper towel in a bag for about 2 days and nothing. I just put it in a glass of water and seeing what will happen? Is it supposed to do something by now? It's a pretty small seed.
Hello Justin if the seed is green or fragile it will not sprout buddy. If its good start it off in the glass of water if you can give it a little bump to make it sink to the bottom that's even better it will take around 3-4 days to sprout


Thanks for reply! It's a brown seed. And doesn't seem fragile I put it in the water and it sank to the bottom how long can it stay in the water without going bad?
Make sure u put them in a dark place at room temp Then give it a day or 2 in the paper towel it should be moist not drenched with water this will allow the tap root to grow a little bigger and stronger before potting her


Well I put it in a Paper towel first and damped it. But no luck doing that for 2 days . So I just now out it in the cup of water how long should I leave it in there?
Yeah back in the cup for a few days .. Once you see that its sprouted put it back in the paper towel maybe a day or 2 until you have a nice white tail popping out just remember to keep her moist don't over water or let it dry out and you will be fine


Thanks, and what are the chances of seeds germinating? I only have one seed left from 2 the seconds
I germinated a while ago and root rotted , but yeah what are the chances if it's a brown seed? Does the size of seed matter?
You can just plant it in a pot but is not advisable chances of germination isn't great .. Big brown seeds are the best because they will be bigger follow my steps you will be fine


Justin what's your setup like maybe I can give you a few tips if your a first Tim grower
What are the chances of Germination do some brown seeds not germ? i just it in soil , after 2 or 3 days in wet paper towel , and about a day in a glass of water and nothing, so i just planted and its under light right now in a solo cup. about 3200 lumens are on it. 18/6 light cycle
Lightly Spray the inside of the bag with water also to create the humidity take the bag of for 10 mins per day and wait it out maybe next few days it will sprout