germinated seeds are growing in the wrong direction!

so it was already hard enough to put those seeds in the rockwool yesturday because the roots were like 2 inches long, but i guess i didnt put them in far enough and now its like looped around outside of the cube, what should i do? start over? can i re-use the cube if i do?


they do that just before it pops out, dont touch that shit
i kind of touched it a little, but just one of em o.o hopefully its ok lol ill probly be making a lot of rookie mistakes along the way, but ill consider myself a super badass if these plants end up lasting through the months lol


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i actually touch stuff too but i try and be super careful, the stuff you don't touch as much will grow fast usually, but that's not always true
haha yeah i actually touch stuff too but i try and be super careful, the stuff you don't touch as much will grow fast usually, but that's not always true
i wasnt stabbin it with a pitchfork or anything so it should be ok then haha thanks for the reply. This was probly a stupid question then to most people haha