Germinated seeds not sprouting?


Active Member
Hey guys,

I'm preparing for my second grow. I had germinated (paper towel method) 5 chronic seeds. They were germinated till the point (by accident) where the shells of the seeds left the root tips ( the paper towel was constantly moist though). I quickly planted the now capsule-less roots , pointy side down, about 3cm under the soil ( I know too deep) . It has been nearing the end of the 3rd day and still no green sprout above soil. Unfortunately, I had to be gone somewhere and asked someone to take care of this for me and this is why the mistakes were made.

Any opinions? Are they dead? should i gently dig them up and plant them closer to the top?

Thanks for any help


Active Member
Pictures would be greatly appreciated, what type of light are you using? How deep did you plant the seedlings into the soil?


Well-Known Member
Well, first thing, you should transplant them sooner the next time you germinate, just as the seeds start to split and the root tip pokes out. Also, make sure you use tweezers or something to place them in the soil, because touching those baby roots with your bare hands, is a bad thing.(it can kill them) Third, they should only be buried about 1/2" deep, so they might be too deep right now. I don't know if you can still save them, it's hard to tell. Usually, they either come up, or they don't and die off. Hmm....IDK what to recommend, actually. All you can really do, is either wait, or carefully try to move some of the soil from them and make them closer to the surface, which is tricky because you don't want to disturb the grow tip, if it's on it's way to the surface. Maybe you could take a toothpick or something and gently move some soil out of the way and take a peek at them? You should be able to tell if they are dead or not, then leave them closer to the surface if they are still alive. :)


Active Member
just give it another day or so. you planted them pretty deep so they need to settle in and start pushing through the dirt. make sure your temps are somewhere around 80, its just a root still so the warmer temps are better for it


Well-Known Member
If they are alive and you start messing around in the soil you might kill them. So you gotta wait and see what happens. I've carefully dug down to check on seeds but you must be really careful. Personally I hate the paper towel method. I've had very little success with it. I use peat pucks in a humidity dome. I've been told that is a horrible thing to do because as soon as it sprouts the humidity kills the seedling. Well for me I've had a 100% success rate this way. I don't like the paper towel method because when it is so small and fragile I really don't want to touch them. If you run into the same situation again try just going right into peat pucks at least that way if they sproutand you aren't around they can survive for a while first. Thig is tough once they sprout you want to get them out of the humidity dome with in a day or ywo so they don't die. My seeds are usually out in 2 - 4 days max.