Germinated the Seeds, Now what?

C Moore

I've germinated 10 seeds using the paper towel method, I have 1 inch Rockwool cubes. Do I place the germinated seedlings into the cubes inside of the cups before until I see roots coming out of the rockwool cubes before adding the soil. Or can I place the seedlings outdoors directly into the soil without even using the rockwool cubes?
Either or, it's up to you. What I do is once I see a tail which is white on the seeds I place them very carefully into a seed starter type soil, with a little rooting powder. I place the seeds tail down so that the top of the seed is just below the surface. Than I place the pots under fluorescent lighting for anywhere between 18 hrs, & 16 hrs a day, just make sure they don't completely dry out at this point. After the head of the seed breaks through and gains a little height than if by accident they dry out it's Ok at this point. The trick is not to over water, over watering at this point is very bad, and so is feeding them, just let them grow, and try to relax. Hope this helped, Good Luck.