germinating my feminized seed's


:-? hello, hello, hello.
i now have 3 Critical feminized seed's in a plastic container with moist paper towel inside and i am now waiting for them to sprout.
now this may sound a little odd but i have a tortoise who requiers a heat lamp and a 14w clf.The heat lamp keep his enclosure at a constant 80-90 F in the day with it droping to 70F ish at night.would this be an advantage for my seed's if i were to put the in his enclosure (in the container) the light and heat lamp are only on for between 16-18 hours a day..
looking forward to your comments
the seeds are already in the container with paper towel so A.S.A.P on you comments thankyou again :confused:


Well-Known Member
Do you mean, should you put the container with the seeds you are trying to germinate in with your tortoise?

Because if you are, then no you shouldn't - the seeds need to be in total darkness until they spilt.

However, once they have germinated and you plant them, then I can see the heat lamp helping for their first few days as seedlings (when they need things to be a bit warmer and moist). However, after this you're gonna want to remove it - as the veg stage requires the temp to be between 70 - 80F. Oh and of course, dont put a seedling in with a live tortoise ;-)


New Member
I believe this is the 5-6 question about germinating in 2 days, in this subforum alone, what about using the search function? And I am not pointing my finger to you Cheesey, just in general.

You may find my way to germinate by searching my nick, you will get experts way by searching for germinate.......


i have realised there is alot of people asking about the germination process anad i have read each and every1 trying to get a good understanding of the conditions seed's need and also the conditions a seedling needs.

1 little thing i am still unsure about if peps want to coment on below
once my seeds have sprouted there tap root and i have placed it into my medium(being terra proffesional soil mix)should i put them into my tent and switch the light/filter/fan on for the 9weeks needed.

should i place my sprouted seed in my medium and put under a clf for the first week or so.. i only have the clf i mentioned above which is for my torsoise i also have a smaller version which i for my old fish tank it only like a 8w,would these 2 clf's combined be ok for the first few days/week whilst the seedling produces its first leaves etc...

also when do i start feeding it my chosen nutrients which is bio-bizz grow and bio-bizz bloom for the later stages


New Member
Put them under CFL for the first weeks, the more light the better (in hrs). For the first 2-4 weeks only water, then start with 1/4 of recomended strenght of nute. Hope this answers 2 out of 3, and like Meatloaf said, that ain´t bad ;)

If you did check up how to germinate and more you should know how to keep soil in the first period..... I refuse to answer it more :D But good luck mate!